[Color=darkgray] [Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230702/4bbce733b5d0a12c57983adbfec8ab81.png[/img][/center] [color=ff681f][b]Time:[/b][/color] Late Morning [color=ff681f][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Nest, Roshmi City [color=ff681f][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@princess] Mari, [@Alivefalling] Aerilyn, [@Apex Sunset] Scathael, [@Shining Sector] FIVE[hr] [color=ff681f][I]FUCKIN' MELT LIKE A TEA KETTLE, BITCH![/I][/COLOR] Thraash was feeling the thrill of this altercation, even without tapping his Muse Box on his waist or playing his ax-guitar. He almost wondered if Mari set this whole fight up as an early Gift Day present. A solid mayhem-causing warforged to do battle with and a bunny girl with nice legs wielding a wicked hammer at his favorite hotspot! He hadn't even gotten his brunch and gin yet! Thraash's invigoration was at its peak- fuck, it was beyond it's peak. If only he hadn't inhaled all that yellow gas. The effects weren't instant, and perhaps if he would have simply taken a casual breath of the stuff he might have been okay for a while longer. Thraash was a big guy but inhaling so deeply to unleash his fiery attack had put him in a dangerous situation. His jaw tingled as the last of his flames shot out and it didn't help that the metal man swatted away the little that was left. The tingling quickly spread through his face and neck, causing him to dip his chin and blink inneseccantly. The words he was going to say failed to escape him but would have said something along the lines of “What the fuck is happening?” Thraash could only grunt as his knees buckled and he dropped his weapon onto the ground. Falling forward, he tried to catch himself but the dragonborn's arms felt too heavy to do what he wanted. With his body's paralysis betraying him, he hit the ground with a heavy thud. [color=ff681f][I]Fuck…[/I][/color] He thought as he only see the lower parts of Five and Aerylin. Both engaged in a fight he hated to miss. The most he could do was twitch his clawed fingers and tail and wallow in how pissed he was to be floored like this. [color=ff681f][I]If I get up, I'm gonna rip his damn head off. Yeah that'll be solid as fuck. He better fuckin' kill me or I'm gonna… fuck. Get up! FUCK![/I][/color] [/color]