[color=gray][indent][right][h1][color=9d362f]Zeltzin Sandoval[/color][/h1][/right][right][sub][hr][color=9d362f]Mentions:[/color] [@silvermist1116](Ophrenia), [@Punished GN](GM) [color=9d362f]Location:[/color] Black Mining Co. Main Office[/sub][/right][hr] [/indent][indent]Zeltzin's brow rose a few slight degrees at the pause that followed her query. But her expression grew into flat annoyance at what followed. Of course he wouldn't be helpful - she could've bet money on that. She supposed he could've genuinely had no clue what they were talking about, but it was.. unlikely, to say the least. With the noteworthy pause, and the clear same-last-name thing in a town as small as this, it was clearly not coincidence. Which meant that, even though he told them nothing, he told them [i]something[/i]. There was something to hide here. But how was Eleanor something to hide? [i]That[/i] she had to know. In a time past, the presence of a witness would've meant something in a situation like this but, even still, it had admittedly been a while since Zeltzin had put on her.. charms. Eleanor had made sure of that. But in any case, it was clear that Callum wasn't going to give them anything. She began to turn away as she allowed a knowing glare to stick onto Callum for a second or two. After the moment she turned and began to step towards the door with Ophrenia, shifting her shoulders to adjust her jacket. Had she really thought they'd get solid results from this place, her frustration might've led her to spit on the floor at Callum's feet in anger - but this, while uninformative, was at least a little revealing. What they would do with the knowledge that Callum - or in other words, the Black family - was hiding something? She didn't know quite yet. But she'd figure it out. Well, [i]they'd[/i] figure it out. Zeltzin didn't speak another word until they were out of earshot. It being obvious that they wouldn't get what they wanted here, it was better not to reveal anything about themselves in case they were to run into Callum again later. Which she had a feeling they would, considering the size of the town and, well, the fact that they were looking for a Black-family-member. This time she held the door open for Ophrenia as she held back the urge to facepalm. [color=9d362f]"Que mierda, Ophrenia.. you're really not good at this.."[/color] [/indent][/color]