[quote=@Olive Fontaine] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4DhiuaUl.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2][b]Scarlet Thorne[/b][/h2][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Scarlet is a pale goth girl with long black hair and dark clothes. She is quite pretty, but she has a creepy aura and a dangerous look in her eyes that just screams "keep away!" She also has viper-like fangs and a pair of horns on her head. [b]Concept:[/b] An immoral and unstable teenage girl uses her newfound powers mostly for personal gain. Very proud of herself, and under the corrupting influence of her RCs, she wants to become immortal and perhaps take over the world. But she's not that methodical about it. As she's fairly new to the superhero game, she's more than willing to just wreck shit and have fun with her powers when she feels like it. [b]RC1:[/b] [url=https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Orochimaru]Orochimaru[/url] [Naruto] - Vibe: Creepy snake ninja and mad scientist with all kinds of transformations and ninjutsu up his sleeve. - Power: Body transformation (mostly snakelike forms and techniques), regeneration, summoning of powerful snakes, and various other ninjutsu. [b]RC2:[/b] [url=https://kingdomhearts.fandom.com/wiki/Riku]Riku[/url] [Kingdom Hearts] - Vibe: Chosen one that fell to darkness and lost his destiny. - Power: Swordsmanship, Combat Magic, power over darkness and heartless. [b]RC3:[/b] [url=https://dragonhalf.fandom.com/wiki/Mink]Mink[/url] [Dragon Half] - Vibe: Spunky half-dragon teenager - Power: Immense strength and durability, wings, can breathe fire. [b]Weapons[/b] [url=https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Sword_of_Kusanagi_(Orochimaru)]Kusanagi[/url] - A silver sword that can cut through most anything. It can change shape and its blade can extend to great lengths. Kusanagi can be wielded with purely mental effort. The sword can also turn into a snake and move of its own accord. [From Orochimaru] [url=https://www.khwiki.com/Keyblade_of_heart]Keyblade of Heart[/url] - A black keyblade with jagged teeth and a red guard. It will materialize in Scarlet's hand when called. It's capable of magically opening mechanical locks. More importantly, it can unlock the darkness inside someone's heart - causing a defeated enemy to rise again as a heartless. [From Riku] [/quote] Accepted. I like it.