[center][h3]Player: [@Crowvette][/h3][/center] [hr] [hider=Cass] [hider=Appearance:][url=https://litter.catbox.moe/lu1947.png]I'm just gonna put the link to the image here because it's not gonna embed nicely[/url] [i]Height[/i]: 6'1" [i]Eye Color:[/i] Golden Orange [i]Hair Color:[/i] White (sometimes appears gray due to gunpowder fouling getting everywhere) [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Cass [b]Age:[/b] 25-Ish(she doesn't really know) [b]Race:[/b] Beastman [b]Gender:[/b] F [b]Background:[/b] Wild Beastman (Wolf) [b]Occupation:[/b] Armorer [b]Personality:[/b] Cass is brash, loud, and impulsive. She is no stranger to taking something she is interested in - often by force. Despite her abrasive tendencies, she rarely holds a grudge and often will forget fights amongst fellow crewmates without much time. She doesn't hesitate to show her enthusiasm for alcohol and firearms - often at the same time - in any situation. [b]History:[/b] Cass was said to have been found while a crew was run aground on a remote island along the Savage Belt. In an attempt to solicit her help, the crew tried to bribe her with paltry baubles - fake gold, glass gems, the like - until they gave up and offered her their rum, to which she took such a liking to that she refused to leave the ship. And from then on, she worked to become a full-fledged pirate, learning to talk and handle duties among the ship. Among her first crew was an aged gunsmith who took her under his wing and taught her his trade. After countless accidents and learning experiences, she made a name for herself amongst the crew as a crack shot as well as resourceful armorer. In fact, some of the only times she is ever found being quiet is when tending a cannon or blunderbuss. [center]----------[/center] [b]Life Goal:[/b] The best liquor in all the world [b]Reason:[/b] Cass has heard of whispers of the rarest and most coveted treasure amongst pirates: A drink so legendary that it would bring even the saltiest captain to tears. Ever since, she has wondered how she might find it. [b]Skills:[/b] Marksmanship Gunsmithing Drinking Doing all of the above at the same time [b]Equipment:[/b] Custom-Made Musket: A musket that Cass uses as essentially a continuous gunsmithing project. It is in surprisingly neat order, and has been tinkered with for exceptional accuracy. It also features a custom bayonet. Spare pistols: Cass carries many pistols and keeps several of them on her person (each loaded and ready, of course) if she's expecting a fight. After raids and fights she is often seen plundering any fallen enemies of their pistols to add to her collection. Gunsmithing tools: Despite rumors that she uses her tail to clean firearms, she has tools to do that for her. [b]Pirate Parameters:[/b] [b][i]Strength:[/i][/b] B [b][i]Perception:[/i][/b] A [b][i]Vitality:[/i][/b] B [b][i]Intellect:[/i][/b] E [b][i]Wits:[/i][/b] D [b][i]Agility:[/i][/b] C [b][i]Charisma:[/i][/b] B (until she opens her mouth, then C-) [b][i]Luck:[/i][/b] C [/hider]