[center] [hr][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mZmI2YzEuVG1WcmJ5QkRZWEppWld4c1lRLjA/fairy-mother.regular.webp[/img][/center][b]Interactions[/b]: Blake Thornton [@Punished GN], Nori/Jordan/Olivia ([@NoriWasHere]), and Wyatt [@Helo][right][b][code]House on the Edge of the Swamp[/code][/b][/right][hr] Wyatt’s valiant attempt to divide and conquer was countered by the surly Maggy and Neko proceeded to vomit out her life story. There was only one important piece of information she held back, and that was how her daughter Nora had been replaced with a fake that had all the memories of her actual daughter. It was something she had even withheld from the group and something she would continue to withhold. Neko knew that if she mentioned it then those who didn’t know Eleanor Black would think she was insane, while those who did know might think she’d abandoned her daughter. She hadn’t. She’d abandoned a stranger, a parasite. Something awful. Now that Neko had shattered her self control and been charmed by the temptation of the waft of Maggy’s cigarette she fumbled through her own bag and found a sad, crumpled cigarette to smoke as Blake began speaking. Truth be told, Neko almost broke down and cried when he said he couldn’t help find her daughter, but if the information helped Jen and the others piece together something from their leads she had to power through. Neko leaned against the railing of the porch, her fingers nervously picking at the paint as she listened. Neko had a few observations as Blake continued. One: either Mr. Thornton was much older than he looked, the Black Family was okay with child servitude, or Swamp Grandma was not referring to Mary-Louise. Two: the massacre of nearly an entire family was horrifying, almost as scary as the vagueness of it all. Three: five children was a ridiculous number; Neko had her hands full with one. Four: did he just say dead? Fifth: Maggy seemed certainly curious about those girls. She would’ve asked about the second thought if he’d said anything else, but obviously the second to last thought was what she fixated on. [color=FFB6C1]“I'm sorry, you said they turned up dead?"[/color] asked Neko, ashing her cigarette over the railing. Immediately, her mind turned to the group. Everyone had someone to watch their back with the exclusion of one individual: Jen. She had insisted on going alone, but if she had pursued a lead—Neko’s heartrate quickened. She pulled out her phone and began to call Jen. She announced to the group, [color=FFB6C1] “I'm checking on Jen."[/color] Then she nodded to Blake and stubbed out her cigarette. [color=FFB6C1]"Go on. How many dead people are we talking?”[/color]