[h3]Cecilia Feilding[/h3] [hr] The weird shite was just continuing to roll over her like waves. Most of that was not in a good way. Cecilia had suspected that her strange, exceptionally revealing costume was far more ‘armoured’ than she thought, and could probably hold up to a lot of trauma, but it was nice to get some amount of confirmation. Even if that confirmation came via being directly attacked and hit by a large club. The adrenaline of being assaulted kept her carrying on more than anything; even if her attack was rather lackluster, a sharp enough weapon still did enough damage and she was well on her way to cutting the rat-creature down before it was immolated for her. The bikini-clad girl backed away from the burning carcass, deciding to process the implications of everything… for later. There was still a third creature, after all. If Cecilia’s hunch was correct –and her hunches usually were—they’d have to finish it off. She was genre-savvy enough to suspect that these creatures were hostile to humanity and rarely gave quarter, if they could even properly communicate. She gave her voice towards finishing it off. Before any of them could make good on that, though, someone else appeared. Not another rat this time, but a girl. Someone that she could understand… another isekai’d woman? No, she sounded ‘native’ by the way she spoke and dressed. If she had a costume, it was more practical fantasy in nature than the ridiculousness of what she or the others was wearing… Cecilia ran her fingers through her hair and groaned. “Yes, we’re a group. Yes, we’re lost. And yes, we ‘beat them up’. Were you looking for these creatures?” she responded, before her attention was taken as Charlotte took the opportunity to blast away the last ratman. Well, that solved that.