Perhaps this will help: That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime [hider=Slime][youtube][/youtube][/hider] The guy who he asked to "take care of his computer" is later seen throwing the plugged in desktop into a full bathtub. The World's Finest Assassin gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat [hider=Assassin][youtube][/youtube][/hider] He's not the first one she's brought over, either. But the goal remains the same - they must kill the hero. So far, the others have been stalled or failed. So I'm a Spider, so What? (spoilers) [hider=Spider][youtube][/youtube][/hider] After an explosion wipes out the entire classroom, most of her classmates wake up as the sons and daughters of nobles. But our title character Kumoko was reborn as a spider.... Admittedly, I've been watching a lot of isekai lately, with a couple I'm currently watching in my queue, so I'm already familiar with this trope. I was briefly involved in a reverse isekai where creatures from a fantasy world wind up in New York City and must come up with some sort of life. Personally, the more successful roleplays I've been a member of here and elsewhere had some sort of goal. In some sandboxes, I had to provide that goal for myself and had other players join in. So, as a suggestion, one of the two gods in this world has some sort of goal, which on the surface feels reasonable. But the way they intend to implement that goal is against the beliefs of the other. Of course, there's no knowing who's right or wrong, here. (It may be both are right.) And there's something preventing direct interference, so they are forced to recruit outsiders as their intermediaries. But are the players going to start as babies, or are they taking over the recently deceased? Just some thoughts.