[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 11 Sectonia (holding 5 level up) - (15/110) [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Necrodancer [b]Word Count:[/b] Less than 750. [/center] Well, there wasn't all that much to do but head on and do these 'dance battles'. Sectonia decided to, instead of going into the deep end like Bowser, to 'practice' on some of the undead ghouls. This she'd find, was a good idea if a bit unsavory. These undead creatures could barely keep to a beat as advertised, they were unsightly, and the smell... Well, she did learn something from her first fight. She was unable to attack. Or more specifically, the rules were that a contractor couldn't attack during the dance fight. Self buffs were ok though, and with that known aver the course of a few dance fights with a few more undead, Sectonia got her score to 1000 without much trouble and decided that she'd try to do her dance fight against much more beautiful creatures. That way her building rage at the ugliness of everything around her would be soothed, if just a little bit. Her first real challenge came when she looked over the other Contractors, and found some long legged plant creature that looked like a leek onion. It didn't seem like its mental facilities were all there, only saying a single word which Sectonia would learn is its name after the fact. Seeing as Sectonia was only really accustomed to a more noble kind of dance instead of the more bombastic view of a lot of what she had been hearing, this was probably one of the best, or worst, opponents Sectonia could've chosen. Being a ballerina dancer, which was close to Sectonia's dancing style of more of a ballroom dance. However, the shockwaves left behind by the Hisuian Liligant's occasional powerful stomps were ineffective as Sectonia just floated over them. Sectonia meanwhile used her Haste during 'faster' parts of the song to keep up with the dancing style she was used to, as hasting herself 'slowed down' the song from her perspective letting her keep the beat easier. With the pokemon, while a good dancer, unable to really change its dancing style to match the song, when the song was over Sectonia had won with more points thanks to her haste and had gotten 1500 points from the plant pokemon. Her next challenge was with Fleurina, a duck wearing what looked like a Tornado. Being a wind type creature, it did a more spin like dance that was a much faster pace of what Sectonia was doing. This had the opposite effect of what her previous opponent did. While Fleurina could land fast parts of a song with no problems, but due to it living up to its decorative bottom, it couldn't handle the slower parts of the song. And on top of that, there was tons of turbulent winds as this tornado duck danced, which was annoying for Sectonia has it made her own dancing a bit difficult. At least until she put up her Chaos Shield and the winds just bounced off of her more or less as much like herself, they weren't attacks, just something passive that happened. All in all, this dance was harder than the former, but more because of the winds than the method of dance, and gave Sectonia 3500 points. So far, Sectonia had gotten 5500 points, and hadn't turned any of the other contractors into the undead which she was secretly thankful for since she had only danced with things she approved of after her little training session. But she still needed 4500 points, and at this point the koopa troop had finished their fight with a floor guardian and gotten their score completed in full. Finding another contractor, she came across a pink haired, very excitable girl that just seemed to have small balloons come out of them whenever they moved. Shrugging, as she was more rushing to save face than selecting someone of a good disposition, Sectonia went into a dance fight with this one. Out of the three, this was the hardest of the three. Unlike the others, this one just focused on the dancing, and considering her name was Party Girl, she was very, very familiar with these kind of song beats and could dance at both the slow parts and the fast parts. Although she was a bit aggressive with her dancing, which caused her to get knocked over by Sectonia doing one of her hip sways as the girl tried to trip up the bee queen instead. Still, Sectonia was behind the party girl for a majority of the dance fight, until the whole knock over part, which brought the two on even footing. And this wasn't something this party girl wanted, so to try to land a strong finisher near the end of the song, they pulled out a large cannon filled with confette and fired a confette cannon ball as a dance finisher at Sectonia. Apparently from what Sectonia learned later (And feel to a lesser extent now) this attack would often knock out her competition if she was in a losing position, while acting like a bit of a flourish and thus avoiding the contractor rules a bit. But considering Sectonia was much, much tougher than anything the party girl had danced with before, this backfired as Sectonia survived the hit without much pain, and the confette gave Sectonia a sparkling finish instead, winning her the fight and giving her the remaining 4500 points she needed to challenge the necrodancer. Although now she was covered in glitter and confette, and that annoyed her when she realized that fact considering how difficult glitter was to get off. Although considering the party girl lost all of her points and became a zombie version of herself, there was only so much Sectonia could rage at.