[CENTER][h1][u]Stargaze[/u][/h1][/CENTER] For the entire journey back home, Stargaze has been over the moons with joy. Her home and family was saved and healed, it was done so quickly thanks to Skobeloff. She held onto the stone Echo gave her, careful not to lose it. Stargaze won't deny that she is a bit worried, if not scared, about the other forces that Echo mentioned. But, she believed in her own speech that she gave before scaring off the shadow dragon: As long as she and her friends were there for each other, there's nothing they can't accomplish. She overheard a bit of the discussion between Vipereyes and Tamba, and after Vipereyes mentioned that she hoped to go back on a different expedition, Stargaze tilted her head. She asked out of pure curiosity, "[b]Why? Echo did say that Home is likely to be healthier after that ritual,[/b]"