[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6666FF]Demetri Rowan Howell[/color][/b] [b][color=CC00CC]Cassian Rudenko[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1125619539040813077/Copy_of_Black_and_Gold_Eye_Modern_Occult_Illustrative_Halloween_Virtual_Background.gif[/img][hr][b][color=6666FF]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=6666FF]Skills:[/color][/b] Agility, Endurance [hr][hr][/center] Demetri had initially been scanning the crowds in search for Zeke, dark splotches painting his vision as he came in and out of focus during the search. It was hard to keep a smile when he felt as though he had nothing to smile about. After some time his eyes started to lose focus, the busy streets of LA turning more and more into a blur as he stared off into the middle distance. His mind was miles away as he leaned against a streetlamp near the hotel. He'd half heard Kristin's explanation, but none of it mattered. If the hotel was bound to trap them then it'd do so, if not then there was no need to worry about it. Right? To say he was lost in thought wouldn't be accurate, there wasn't a single thought going through his mind at all. It was a blank slate allowing him to reserve as much of what little energy he had left from the days of not eating. It wasn't until Zeke spoke, his voice calling Demi back out of his head space. Demetri's eyes glided towards those of his boyfriend. He didn't know what to say, he went to take a half step forward, but managed only to get off the street light before getting a bit dizzy from it all. Normally he'd have held onto something, to gain his balance more, but he didn't want to let slip how badly the last fight had affected him. Demi eyed the apple like it was some foreign object before placing his hand on it and pushing it gently back towards Zeke. [Color=6666FF]"I…had a big breakfast. Thanks though, I meant to get you something from the cart…"[/color] His voice was shaky as he tried to fight back all the emotions roiling inside of him. Anger, Depression, Elation, Jealousy, he didn't know which to let through, he also didn't want to be more of a burden than he already was. Cassian had been standing near Kristin and Janelle, hand placed above his brow as he shaded his eyes from the sun in search of their two missing companions. It was mostly in vain, as no matter how hard he looked he couldn't find a single sign of them. His attention shifted when Kristin decided to brief them a bit more on the Lotus Hotel. [Color=CC00CC]"Sounds like we're going to need to be quick then. Since time is literally not on our side in this place."[/color] he commented as he tried to think before a small cat came barreling towards them. Cassian went down to pet the cat, mostly putting his hand out to allow the feline to sniff his scent and if it cared to, rub under his palm like it would a post. He looked up and saw Zeke and Nancy approaching. He wanted to make a comment about the name, and ask further questions about what he meant by a cat leading them, but it seemed as though Zeke and Demi were finally getting some "me" time. Not the best kind but…some time enough after being apart for a few days.