[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210425/60d4cad31d79f05670a6f5376d410cd8.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=6ecff6]Interactions: Nolan [@hatakekuro], DM [@Zarkun][/color][/right] "[Color=6ecff6]Sorry. Yes, I'll warn next time.[/color]" The water mage looked a bit sheepish. But there was no time to really let the feeling sink in. the bloody things were moving. She couldn't get a good sight on them but she could hear the movements. The horse she was on stirred a bit restless but not because it was spooked. At least that was good. Then they attacked. Too fast. Ria threw a hand up toward the rushing Asterins. What should have been a blast of water was nothing. She swallowed, trying to keep her panic from showing. Okay, attacking wasn't an option yet. She'd have to try again later since others seemed to be handling three on their way. She shook her hand then quickly jumped to her feet, seamlessly positioning her feet on the saddle like she'd done this a dozen times. The horse shifted nervously beneath her but she was used to that too. It wouldn't have been her first time on a panicked horse getting attacked. But she had to do something to help keep them safe. Direct attack wasn't an option, but a structure to keep them safe from overhead ambush? Her fingers worked the intricate patterns she needed while she worked her hands together near her waist and wove strings of concentrated water together. At the same time the tornadoes of dark energy Nolan cast went out, she threw her hands up. "[color=6ecff6]Water Make: Canopy.[/color]" [hr] [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210104/a99cdc088aa9c386fb10b51db1d049ee.png[/img][/center] [Right][color=9400D3]Interactions: Adelyn [@Lunarlord34], Kiba [@Cello], Sergeant Monreu [@Zarkun] [/color][/right] Adelyn seemed confident, and Kiba was capable. Despite knowing the lightning mage was the weak link she still at least presented herself as more than capable, which made him wonder if she realized she was the weak link here or not. Maybe his initial assessment of her ability was drastically wrong. There was a first time for everything. They'd certainly find out soon enough though. Like the girl said, it seemed pretty clear cut and like they had time to plan. Not that his plans would be vocalized before it was necessary. There was no planning without actually getting eyes on the situation. An exercise in trust it was. He didn't doubt his ability to obliterate the target if he could land a blow, but he liked the idea of the challenge of taking the beast in alive. It would prove far more valuable to understand the thing than if it was dead, but it also presented its own quagmire of dangers. Nothing worth learning came without risks, though. But the matter, unfortunately as far as he saw it, wasn't quite settled. There was that nagging standard objective he was told to keep in mind any time he had to work jobs with others. "[color=9400D3]Sergeant, my prime directive is to make sure everyone gets home alive. That includes you and your men. Do not draw any more attention to you than your task requires. I have no intentions of either of us failing our objectives.[/color]"