[center] [color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 45/60[/color] Location: Quarantine Valley Word Count: Points Gained: 1 -3 New EXP Balance--- [indent][color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 42/60 [/color][/indent] [/center] [hr] The Hermits descended upon the Seekers, and the Seekers rose to meet them. Karin was smiling, confident about their victory and in a good mood about an old-fashioned brawl. Karin dashed and intercepted a Masked Swordsman, Bernavas. He raised his massive blade and swung as she approached. She stopped short, the blade slicing through the air in front of her nose and ruffling her hair coils. [color=fff200]”Shall we?”[/color] Karin said, extending a palm. Bernavas’s eyes were cool and collected, and he only responded by letting the hooked point of his sword rest against the floor. An aggressive fighting stance, meant for summoning as much power into a swing as quick as possible. Once again, Karin surmised she was battling an aggressive opponent. Fortunately, Karin was adaptable. She had already gone against a similar foe earlier today. And swing he did, his blade trailing with blue crackling electricity. Karin frowned as she retreated from the strikes. Electricity and her didn’t play well- it messed with her ki. She would just have to be extra careful not to be struck. He had massive range, with elegant twirls resulting in powerful swings. Karin let one scrape painfully across her forearms before she decided there would be no more of that. Bernavas hid it well, but he was surprised when she leapt ten feet in the air over his next strike and landed behind him. He brought his sword around but she stopped it dead in its tracks with a palm thrust to the ribcage that combo’d into a barrage of attacks that ended with her sliding forward, both of her feet crashing painfully into his shin. [color=fff200]”Hmm!” [/color] She rose, amused, having the swordsman on the backfoot. As she moved to approach be rolled along the ground, and somehow gathered the momentum to swing with one hand. She ducked underneath it and pushed forward. He dodged several punches and parried her kick, and jabbed the sharp pommel of his blade into her bare belly. Karin winced and swatted it away and tilted her chin back as he thrust it towards her head. Now he had her at range again, but as he pushed forward, she closed in. There was a sweet spot that he wanted to maintain, and with each careful step Karin was making sure he couldn’t. As he lifted his sword into the air, there was a tremendous gathering of blue energy. He brought the blade down and seemed to aim to blow her to smithereens with beams from above. Karin had tricks up her sleeve too. Using her EX-Meter she blitzed forward, a forward leaning blur, crossing the distance between them in a moment and in two steps. [color=fff200]”Orochi!” [/color] She turned and converted all that momentum into a back-attack, slamming herself bodily, stopping them both in their tracks. Winded, he was vulnerable to a series of kicks and strikes that refused to let him hit the ground. She flashed with power once more to extend the combo, and made sure to strike his wrist to remove that troublesome greatsword from his grip. He rolled back to his feet, but in hand-to-hand while he could no doubt handily defeat the above average fighter, he was thoroughly outmatched by the Kanzuki. Catching his arm she flattened him against the ground, keeping his arm restrained. [color=fff200]”Well fought!”[/color] She said. [color=fff200]”Though, in my opinion, your blade is much too large to be practical against a fighter such as myself.”[/color] She advised quite haughtily. Karin saw Geralt Friend Heart his opponent, and Karin tilted her head to the side. Producing a Friend Heart, she dropped it into him like a bag of tea into a cup, healing his injuries and revealing the truth of the world to him. Even the steely Bernavas reacted with a widening of his eyes as he stood to his feet, rejecting Karin’s extended hand. [color=fff200]”Well, that’s quite alright. Now what?”[/color] Karin asked, turning to see how the others were faring and what the Hermits were thinking.