[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room A [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [/center] Danni woke up a whole hour before his alarm, wired and [i]ready[/i]. The smile wouldn't leave his face, even when he knocked over a cup of coffee on his psych homework, even when he tripped over a sloppily tossed sleep shirt from the night before, even when he started choking on toothpaste when he spat. He felt like he'd slammed back six pots of espresso and an energy drink all in one; Danni's feet barely skimmed the ground and he couldn't help but violently shake Dee while screaming unintelligible, garbled nonsense in excitement at random intervals. It was the qualifiers for the Contest of Champions! Them, in the Contest of Champions! Danni couldn't believe it - well, he could because they were awesome and they totally deserved to be in the Contest, but it was the [i]vibe[/i] he was feeling right now. They were like, real Superhero students now, not ones on the sidelines. They'd win this whole contest and put the Young Avengers in their place 'cause Excelsior was a way cooler name than Young Avengers. Washed up copycats, blegh. Excelsior sounded so much cooler, newer, fresher and what villain could stand against aggressive modern branding? Music pounded from their dorm, cranked up at 6:30am with the She-Ra theme song taking first pick. It was the cartoon that inspired them to superheroics after all, and what would the dawning of the Championship be without their… Danni lost that train of thought as he considered their opponents. They hadn't gotten anything useful on them - something about bugs bugging out or whatever, but he could just feel the determination oozing around the campus and he had to shake Dee again as his excitement overwhelmed him again. Did it bother him that they had been practicing survival exercises over and over when they were going into a battle? Not really. They had a great team; Beanie there to keep things focused in her mean, sharp, cool way, Dee with his jokes and lighthearted way of helping, Spicy with his teleporting and his nasty little temper, and Zelds with… well, shy, timid, but creative brain juices. And of course, the diamond on the crown, Danni Kingston, the fashionable, loveable sharpshooter, heartthrob of the team and beloved by all of them, just like he loves them! They're the perfect team and no one can stop them! Well, they weren't really the perfect team. The only thing undertone of disappointment was that it wasn't the perfect team. Princess would be fighting her own battle alone and without them. She was a kickass Warrior Princess so duh she didn't need them, but he wanted them all together. It's been the only real damper on the everything and for the briefest second, the room went blurry but a quick wipe of his eyes and a sip of coffee brought the mood back up. He whipped out his phone and shot off a morning text: [hider=Dee,Princess group chat]Ayeeeeee, kick ass and take names today Princess! We're rooting for you, love you! Cuddle hour after?[/hider] [hr] Danni was ready. [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/1155678950496931922/image0.jpg?ex=6512de25&is=65118ca5&hm=73f72a8a4c10746d996860f34280b9ff6faf293751720fff120da034c53e11f9&]Dressed[/url] to kill and oozing confidence, he knew they had this on the bag. [color=E948FC]"Spicy, we don't need t'em ta tell us. All t'ey know 'ow ta do is fail.[/color] Danni smirked, responding to Spicy's dry comment. [color=E948FC] "They look so drab, maybe we can spice t'in's…"[/color] Danni trailed off as he looked at the yellow eyes girl, the soft humming sound a second thought as he blinked and found a familiar scene… It was his favorite place back home. When the City that Care Forgot woke, she woke slowly with a heavy blanket of fog encouraging her children deeper into their blankets and bundles and it was that moment that Danni found his little nook a special place. Somewhere that, as the sun painted the sky pink and burned away the fog, he'd willing wake up early to hike to and just watch the sunrise. He'd chat with Lt. Colonel Whittnebane, or that was what he thought the faded inscription read, for a bit, keep them updated on his daily life and the weird events of the world. It was a special place, one that he didn't talk about much because it existed in that liminal space and any disturbance would break the magic. He liked his early morning dates with the Lt. Colonel. Which was why, he was shocked when someone else was there. Danni thought it [i]his[/i] place, carved out and waiting for him to discover it after time stole it away from the rest, and yet here stood... Danni felt a blush on his cheeks and in his ears as the most beautiful person in the world stood, staring at him. The soft crooning in the background faded away, meaningless as the brief feeling something was off, because she looked like she belonged there with him. She just fit and it felt like something he'd been missing all his life clicked into place. Yellow eyes caught his and he saw images of them weaving flowers in each other's hair on summer nights, the crackling of a bonfire miggling perfectly with their laughter. He felt her skin beneath his finger tips as their breaths mingled where they lay in their bed, the intimacy of secrets and confessions shared lulling them to sleep together. Danni knew in that moment that his soul mate found him and he was helpless as he approached, his heart pounding in his chest and butterflies in his stomach but a smile, soft and secret just for them, on his face.