[h1][b][i][color=CC99FF][center]Dorian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443553828874/CQrs.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=CC99FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room A [color=CC99FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Possession Combat, Perception, Hiding[url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443860004934/Screenshot_20210223-112042_Instagram-1-1.jpg]First Day Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Dorian could hardly sleep the night before, excitement for the qualifiers filling his every bone as he lay there in bed constantly turning and thinking up new fantastical ideas of what might happen tomorrow. That is, until he passed out into a drooling mess resembling Anna from Frozen. He hadn't quite woken up as early as Danni did, his alarm nowhere near setting off as he heard the sounds of his best friend running around the room like The Rhino down Manhattan. He'd waved Danni away at first, grumbling something incomprehensible as he may in his dream stupor with one arm elegantly tossed across his eyes. It wasn't until Danni shook him awake, saying something about the qualifiers, that Dorian jolted up in bed with wide eyes. The excitement and thrill of it all hitting him like patch day or a new game expansion for the still ongoing FFXIV mmo. Dorian jumped out of bed, making his way over to his roommates side when he spied something on the floor. A letter. Was this like team assignments all over again? Did it reveal today's mission or task that started now? He quickly flipped it over, ripping the envelope to see a familiar writing on it. It was the same writing he'd been seeing for over a week now, penned into the pages and notes that adorned Percy's copy of The Illiad. His cheeks tinged pink as he read the words penned on paper, causing him to rush towards his desk and pen one back. He didn't think he'd have the chance to hand it off before the qualifiers, so it lacked any good luck wishes, but simply showed his gratitude as well as noting that he's poured through his book front to back three times already since the copy was handed to him. Granted he'd flipped the pages much more than that as it let off a slight scent of Percy’s Lush scent. Dorian quickly showered, getting himself perfectly pristine for his debut fight amongst the A-listers that would be attending this year's Contest. It was a perfect time to be on a judges team, as they were looked at with more vigor than the others for promising new heros. He opened up his closet, seeing a hanging suit bag that held the hero outfit he'd asked Zelda to make for him. He had asked that all their outfits be fireproof, just in case one of Danni's flames took an odd turn during the Contest of Champions. He unzipped the bag to show his [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1059968456998535231/1155312580538138756/281e6d5820db177e0993749350ba2839.jpg?ex=6512da6f&is=651188ef&hm=cfd06757360555adccabc0dc4591490d010406d18ffd1d6d93cf34dd9ecf0709&]suit.[/url] A form fitting black suit with enough belts to make a Final Fantasy character proud. It had a ghostly looking P emblemed over the heart for his hero name, white under the knee boots and long white gloves with a flared white collar. Dorian grinned from ear to ear as he looked at Zeldas handiwork. She really outdid herself, and it was something she felt more comfortable doing. He put the suit on for the first time since the measurements were taken, and it fit like a glove. Clipping his sword to his side and shoving a few items into the few external pockets the suit had before putting on his gloves and giving them a test. It felt right. [hr] Out on the field Dorian stood waiting for the call to action. The Mighty Marvel's at the other end as they played the hero to their villainous side. The objective was simple: keep the Golem on their side and fend off those who dared steal it back, without maiming or killing of course. Crystal announced the bell and MM seemed to just stand there. No, that wasn't quite right. As Dorian watched, Percy began to walk his way over towards the enemy team, wondering what the hell he was thinking. Sure he had the hubris of a demi-god, but even he wouldn't be this brazen. It wasn't until he noticed Sabine and Danni that he began to piece things together. Someone was playing with their minds. Dorian scanned the enemy team, not bothering to take a good look at them or figure out their powersets yet until he identified who it was that entranced half his team in one go. He caught the lilting song of the siren and found his mark. They should've kept her as an Ace in the hole rather than start off with her. Sloppy. He looked towards his boyfriend from across the field, giving Jim a half cooked smile as he tried to make sure he was ok. [Color=CC99FF]"You alright Perce?"[/color] He didn't wait for a response though, his cold gaze fixating on the Siren before him. [Color=CC99FF]"So? You like to take away people's bodily autonomy? Not cool."[/color] he said with an edge in voice before he began to walk towards his right. As he passed behind Danni he vanished from view. Dorian quickly flew towards Xeńia, possessing her as he gave her a sample of her own powers. Percy didn't like losing control of himself, and now he'd show her how badly she'd messed up. She was weak, unprepared for the Astral assault. One of the quickest grabs Dorian had ever made , save for Danni. He wasn't used to her powers yet, to her body, but he understood enough. He tried to drop the enchantment on his allies and reverse it back towards the Mighty Marvel's, but while he was able to ensnare the other team, he couldn't quite drop his own teams. That was fine, he got half the equation, now he just needed to try again. He felt her powers more vividly now, capable of dropping Danni and Sabines enchantment while maintaining the ones on the Might Marvel's. Changing the tune she was singing to a nod that his own team would understand so they'd know he got them. [Center][Color=CC99FF]"We must be strong And we must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go"[/color][/center]