((Collab Post between [@Letter Bee] and [@Dezuel])) The walk to his apartment had been one full of thoughts, and his curiousity got the better of him. He had peeked and read into the Tome of Trium Throne, while the words of warning put into it by one Shal-Akkun. Shal-Akkun. That was a name he had encountered before in his homeland, but he couldn't remember any of his songs or music. There was someone or something sealed away under the administrative building in Rhea, but what could it be? Someone who was once an ally to Lyngurium Lie. Reverio couldn't help but frown as he spotted the name. Lyngurium was the name of a mythical gemstone believed to be attracting objects and metals, some suspected it to be a form of tourmaline or yellow amber. He closed his eyes momentarily as he thought back to his grandfather which had once spoken of this Lyngurium. It was believed that lynxes bore a grudge against mankind, that they withheld information. The truth. Lyngurium Lie. Gemstone faux. Could the name imply that it was a cover? That this person was an agent of a dangerous truth not meant for mortal ears? What in the world did this woman know? Reverio couldn't begin to guess, but a former ally sealed away. That meant it couldn't possibly be the great evil itself? Then what or whom? He felt as if a large stone had fallen right into his stomach, it made him uneasy, worried more than had it been the great evil itself. There was something hidden. He was certain of it. 'A former ally of the lynx, and then a foe. By the gods... could it be Laurel himself? But that's not possible... Laurel died some twohundred years ago. And this being must have been sealed away before that.' He thought deeply, trying to make sense of it all. Reverio's mind wandered, trying to think of legendary heroes and villains, trying to piece together some idea what was sealed away. Before he turned to the other book in his possession. "You! You know whose sealed away under the Rhean administrative building don't you?" "It's a great evil. I assure you boy. So hurry up and release me!" Reverio was about to reply when he spotted someone outside of his apartment, two figures. He squinted to see if he could recognize them. "Oh!" He exclaimed as he spotted Ken and Hajime. "I am sorry, have you been waiting long?" Ken waved hi, while Hajime instinctively bowed before getting up and waving. Then Ken answered, not indicating that he overheard Rev's book just [i]talk[/i], "Not that long; you came just in time. Anyway, let me introduce Hajime Sakurazaki; he's a Samurai from Izumo, a supporter, and my future fiance, but that's not important for now." He then followed up with, "Rev, I want to talk. Preferably somewhere there is less of a chance of eavesdroppers listening in." "Pleased to meet you, Lord Sakurazaki." Reverio offered a courteous bowing motion to Hajime with one hand behind his back carrying the grimoire, the other held closely to his chest. Almost how a butler would bow to his mistress. At least he could remember how the servants back in Vauquelin behaved, surely that would come in use. "That sounds like a good idea, let us speak at the rooftop of my apartment building, the view up there is quite good and it's generally empty. I just have to leave some things inside my apartment, a few books I... borrowed." Reverio said with an appologetic voice. "I have something I would like to talk with you about aswell Ken, a favor, or well... a request. Whichever one would prefer to call it." Reverio said in a solemn tone, there was something clearly troubling him about his request. 'I would end up having to lie to my new friend, to take his precious family heirloom away from him. I feel like such a hollow and spineless person. This is something that a villain would do. But then again, if I must do it to make my brother's sacrifice worth it. I have no choice, I must betray my new friend for the greater good... disguised as the greater evil. If what the grimoire say is true. There's still something troubling me about it.' He thought to himself as he put the books into his apartment, fed his messenger bird and then invited both the young men up on the roof of the apartment building. "Quite the view right? I mean, it's not a palace or a mountain view, but there's something serene in seeing the blue sky and the wind swirling all around you, I suppose I like it because it makes me feel free. I would want nothing more for this world of ours to become more free and good, to avoid history from repeating itself. I have realized that people never truly change, but the world does. So in order to change how things are, one must change the world in order to change how people live. Which brings me to my request, I would ask you, no... beg you to lend me your family sword for a little while. It is a... key you see. My own sword is it's brother, and there's also a third one that went to Albion. These swords were used long ago as keys for a particular door which I need to open. I would ask you to trust me Ken, as I am not able to fully disclosure my full plan to you. Even if I wish I could, I wouldn't burden you with it. It is my burden to bear, just know that my homeland, Rhea, your own homeland... every land everywhere would benefit from it. Will you let me lend your sword Ken?" Reverio held out his hand towards Ken. "There is some monster from old that is looking for your sword, I don't want you to get in trouble..." Reverio's ears perked up for a moment, he thought he heard something, like a scratching sound, the hairs at his neck would stand up. He felt a cold chill. Ken arched his eyebrow as he said to Reverio, "I was going to apologize. For leaving you alone in your hour of need. But if you want me to lend you my sword, then hear me out first." He gripped the Ame-no-Murakumo's hilt tightly, as if in tension, but in fact, he was using his increasing precision in controlling the wind to detect any eavesdroppers who might be listening into their conversation. Then Ken continued, "There is a conspiracy aimed at killing all Gifted. And I do mean [i]all[/i]. The now-dead Dr. Plaigrezes was one of the ringleaders; I am responsible for his death but it only delayed the enemy's proceedings for a little while." After that was a narration about how he met Alrune, became friends, found out that Alrune was a clone of Shal-Akkun, then went inside a suspicious building where Dr. Plaigrezes and one of his compatriots, Alrune's manager, had a confrontation with Alrune about their plans. Once he was done, Ken then paused for breath and said to Reverio, "What I said might be taken as proof that you are right, that people will only change if the world does. I might disagree with.. [i]hostile[/i] means of changing the world, but I cannot be choosy with my allies." The boy looked Reverio in the eye, and then said, "[i]Reverio Galand[/i], my terms are these; if you want to borrow my sword, then let me borrow yours'. There is a conspiracy that needs to be crushed, secrets that need to be ferreted out, and a friend to rescue. And there is one more thing I want to ask of you." His eyes glinted with the sun's reflected light as he said, "Chinami will never acknowledge anyone as her equal. But one of my quests - The one not related to helping others or furthering private ambitions - Is to be acknowledged at all, as someone she cannot underestimate, someone whom if she does not pay attention, will one day catch up to her. Someone to keep her advancing, if you will. Aid me in that, please?" A pause for effect, then: "Do you accept?" "Ken, we are all having our own troubles. You have nothing to appologize for, and if you did I would forgive you. As for this conspiracy to kill all gifted? I don't know anything about that but it does sound very extreme, considering there is so many of us. How would someone even go about doing that? Create some kind of weapon? Also you... killed someone?" Reverio blinked in surprise, looking over Ken trying to imagine the possiblity of him actually doing that. Then he recalled their encounter with Nightman where Ken had brought a gun. Reverio began to nod. "I.. am sorry to hear that, but I can imagine you had good reasons for ending this person, if what you tell me is true about this Alrune is true, these people were up to something very underhanded. A clone of Shal-Akkun. I know that name, it's.. a long dead music maker. But why would anyone go about and clone him? I suppose no one can truly know those answers, but to think that there's someone out there without any parent at all, and no memories or anything. It's quite hard pill to swallow, besides feeling sorry for this person." The blonde boy hung his head almost in shame for feeling pity, despite his own dark past that there was someone out there with -nothing-. It terrified him. "I agree to helping you put a stop to these people and their genocidal plans for the gifted and rescue your friend. Is that this Alrune person? But the last thing... I am not sure I could do anything to help with. Miss Chinami may have many abilities and who she respects or not is nothing that either of us can manipulate, I am not even sure we should be able to Ken. After all, isn't free will important for everyone? Besides why do you need to compare yourself with her or make yourself worthy in her eyes? There's probably things you are alot better than her at, much like there are things she is probably better than you at. The ambition to climb higher is admirable, but it can also destroy you along the way. Lose track of your focus and you might become stronger but at the cost of losing who you are. An example... my brother, I looked up to him, admired his many positive traits, I wished I were like him. But knew I could never be, no matter how hard I tried. I was raised to be content with my lot, but I suppose even I feel that I want something more. Allright, I will help you to the best of my ability." Reverio said in a firm tone and drew his blade, to use it as a ceremonial piece to amplify his promise, urging Ken to lock blade with his as a signing of the deal. It was at that point that Ken felt a flicker in the wind, someone was quickly moving up through the air, as if consuming the air itself and then there was a flash of heat close by on the rooftop as a person seemed to land on it, like a burning phoenix landing on it's perch. A young-looking woman with pink hair, clad in a black high collared black sweater and red wide pants stood before the trio. She wasn't sporting any shoes or boots, but clawed feet and a feline tail would move behind her. Then a pair of golden eyes would peek out from behind her pink bangs. "Wielders o' the radiance and gale, what is this folly that has brought thee together?" Lynnwell said in a soft tone, but it was also a tone which carried... authority? "Lyn...Lyngurium Lie. Ken.. get back! This woman is after our swords!" Reverio stepped up and pointed his sword towards the young woman who didn't even twitch. "Thine elders have taught the well, thou know mine name. One o' many. Thou art so eager to test thine might, foolish little wight. Bark as much as thee wish, this grimalkin does not fret childsplay. Do thee even know what thy carry? Keys o' doom. Shalt I tell thee the grimmest of truths?" 'This woman seeks the swords, but for what reason? The tome warned me about her. But if she keeps talking, Ken will figure out my plan. But if she doesn't I will not know what's hidden behind that door... what should I do?' Reverio could feel doubt crawling over him. Ken's response was to pre-empt Reverio by saying to the person claiming to be Lyngurium Lie, "Yes. Does it concern your friend, Shal-Akkun himself?" He then shifted to archaic dialect of his own, "For someone has made a second person from what remains of his flesh and blood, a second person who though formed from him, is his own person and a dear friend whom I must save. So tell me, what do you have to say and what can you offer for my own quest to save him?" "Shal-Akkun were no friend o' mine, a youngling in the shade o' Laurel yet singing his praises. As soothing as many would find such a song, not all of it reflects what is grim and real, such as what lies behind the seal. It be not Shal-Akkun, he is long dead and gone. All that remains is his songs and tunes." Lynnwell spoke softly, her footsteps soft as she almost seemed to circle them at the rooftop. "A homunculus he is. Born not by the giftless and their urge for boon o' the gods. There is only one who could craft such a replica, the possessor o' the stone of the philosopher, the sharded one. He made that dirgesinger, his own skald o' doom. As a servant o' evil of a greater kind." Lynnwell spoke as if she was reading from an old book, or perhaps from experience? "The collective o' the old faith, self-proclaimed guardians o' the great door. Giftless for reason, to not feel tempted by the dark within which whispers may still be heard for those with the power of the gods. The promise of revenge for lands long lost, for a realm usurped by others. Beyond the three keyed door is nay warrior, neither is it a singer o' songs. But a bringer o' death to all things which live and even what is considered immortal. I should know, this particular foe fed upon the fields of battle long ago. Fed the lost into the shard which nourishes it." The feline woman spoke, but there was a hint of irritation in her voice, that this being was something or someone she did not like. "Keep thine swords apart, lest thee shall doom all thine built and the very skies will burn." She smiled softly, her hair momentarily covering her eyes slightly. "I don't believe you. You are trying to deceive us. Don't listen to her Ken! Whatever she's up to, she cannot be trusted!" Reverio kept his blade pointed at Lynnwell. "Salvation comes in many different ways, bearer o' the gale blade. Thine friend, the homunculus may be found with the collective nay doubt. Time may have altered their hearts, unlike mine. Thee shall find them, under the the head building of the usurpers of this city. Seek the alchemical symbol in the basement, but bring not your keys, lest all thee hold dear will be... gone." There was an almost fatalistic tone to her voice, as if she was the prophet of some day of doom. "Thine friend shalt always betray thee. Mark mine words, wightlings." She placed one of her clawed hands at her waist. [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/t1kmDVq.png[/img][/CENTER] Ken nodded and spoke to Lyngerium, "Well, right now, the Old Faith Collective [i]has[/i] lost sight of their path and want to kill [i]all[/i] Gifted, thinking that they are a disease on this planet in need of curing, no better than Demons. They and their friends in Rhea's Government are planning something, something that might - Don't tell me they have found a backdoor into what's allegedly being sealed inside Rhea's administrative building!" He then looked towards Reverio and spoke, "Rev, I failed to be your friend once before, and this is what resulted - You falling into despair to the point where you now plan [i]something[/i], of your own, that I know for sure will result in your death or worse. And I am not going to fail you again; you are not going to risk [i]your[/i] life on some scheme to upend the world order. But at the same time... We both know that saving you requires me to disappoint you, to potentially abandon you once again." So Ken drew his sword and said, "I name Lyngurium Lie herself as my witness - I will yield up my sword if you can defeat me, on the terms that you do the same if I defeat you. Either way, the winner will have both swords." His eyes flashed with reflected light once more - His mind was made up. "Can either of us save the world when we cannot even save our friends?" he asked once more. "So, Reverio Galand of Vanquelin, prove your determination..." "I do not fear dying, I fear dying in vain... with my brother's sacrifice in vain. I prayed it wouldn't come to this, that I could just have you part with the sword, and not get involved in the sins I must commit to reach the greater good! I need to open that seal, Ken. I need to release that evil into the world so that the world can mend and become whole again. To turn things how they should be! If that means I must pry that sword from your fingers, I will have no choice in the matter. Last chance Ken! Give me the sword! Please! I don't want to fight you! But my brother's sacrifice demands a requiem! It will unite this broken up world divided by race, class and wealth under one banner! For that dream... I will fight." Reverio raised his sword as his powers surged through him, his angelic looking wings manifesting aswell as the halo of light. 'Such a display. Thee would duel for the fate o' the world, one seeking it's destruction, the other it's marination.' Lynnwell mused in her own head as her eyes wandered to Hajime. "Ken! I beg you, last chance. Give me the sword! I need to do this for all sacrifices up until now to not have been in vain! You'll have to kill me to stop me... I could never live in his stead and watch nothing change at all!" Reverio yelled out, clear anger and agitation in his voice, but also sorrow and... determination? Lynnwell stood still, her one hand at her waist, her feline tail slapping the ground behind her. 'This would be a fine opportunity to claim both keys. The little peon next to the gale wielder seems to be of nay concern...' The feline mused in her own head. As Reverio made his grand speech, Ken stood there and practiced [i]thinning the air[/i] around Rev at the first three sentences of his speech. At the next seven sentences, as Rev grew frantic, Ken began drawing out his friend's breath in short, thin gasps, not enough to collapse the lungs but definitely enough to cause Reverio to breath harder than normal... But find no respite. And as [i]his friend[/i] made his final appeal, Ken made his move, drawing out the air from Reverio's nose, mouth, and throat, swiftly aphyxiating him into unconciousness. He was going to bring down Reverio, cause him to collapse and fall down, then only let air return to his lungs shortly after he had fallen. "I know you well enough that you'd give a grand speech, outdoing my own, the moment you accepted my challenge," Ken spoke simply once Rev had collapsed, his wings of light had faded, and it seemed the man was well and truly asleep. "And I am capable of learning from my experiences; sleep well, fellow prince." But he was still cautious, knowing full well Reverio's strength in times of psychosis, and so as he walked towards the blond man, his left hand stretched out to take the sword of Vanquelin, he glanced at Hajime and gave the briefest of nods. Heaven's Wrath being only five meters tall made it an asset, and Hajime made good use of it as with a mental command, he caused the mech to appear, flying above the building floor. And so the Mech grabbed the unconscious Reverio and began draining the Mana out of his body, thus allowing Ken to just stroll there and grab the other youth's sword... Or did he? It was with near blinding speed that Lynnwell had dashed forth and drove her right hand into Ken's exposed back, aiming for his right kidney, her other hand reaching to pry his sword out of his hands, while whispering nearly seductive like. "Thou art to watch where thou art standing, to turn thine back to a feline. Unwise." She then gave him a kick and withdrew her bloodied hand, picking up Reverio's sword with it. 'Shameful display, would-be-warrior. Laurel would be displeased. I shalt be taking these keys for safekeeping. Foolish wights.' Lynnwell muse, jumping into the air with both swords and getting away from Hajime who was too busy grabbing Reverio. "Oh my." A voice said, full of venom and vindictiveness. "And here I was wondering why he was so late." The girl with Albion features said as she walked up down to them, hips swaying, but with a glare that could melt tungsten. "It seems it was just... boys being boys, playing with swords... and forgetting they're supposed to do things. But breaking codes to see who's the manliest is up to the order of the day..." She then looked at Reverio's form. "Oh...my poor cousin." She gasped, the anger bubbling underneath each sentence. "Please step away from him, [I]cochon Izumois[/I]." She added, her speech being tinged by a certain Vauquelin twang, as her well-maintained Albion diction was melting away. [I]"Jet, attaquer."[/I] The mech of Hajime would seem to visibly rock... as one very angry maid droid decided it was a good idea to dismantle it one piece at a time, metal groaning and wrenching as the full force of the adamantine maid was beginning to tear the mech apart. Reverio's vision was blurry and he gasped, trying to get focus and air. What had happened? 'What's going on? Why am I? Did I lose? But how? I- Ken... he must have attacked me without notice... that's not proper etiquette...' He struggled to orient himself, he felt weaker than before. Why was that? Something was holding unto him. But not only that, there was loud noises. He didn't like loud noises. "Take the swords!" Ken shouted at Lynwell/Lyngerium, spitting blood, "As long as you have them, what cannot be unleashed will stay where it is!" His other magic items were already activating; Gimlé was shielding him with golden light, and the Ankh of Life was replenishing lost blood, allowing him to tell Hajime, "Let Reverio down gently." Then to Darla Ken said, "For the record, Rev accepted the challenge when he started his speech and the rest of said speech occured [i]during[/i] the duel!" "Fine," Hajime responded as he let Reverio down gently, before trying to grab the Robot Maid with the claw that had grabbed Reverio and saying, "You know, my betrothed, you have a gift for pushing away people. Who will be our allies against the Anti-Gifted Conspiracy now, much less our other foes?" Ken was still bleeding as he responded, "Let's get away first!" Lynnwell fled into the alleyways and streets of Rhea with the swords, going to one of her hiding spots, one of few places in Rhea which had not changed much in time. In there she placed the swords as a temporary measure, covering the entrance with the lid. For they would remain there for abit longer, long enough for her to find the final key. The cold, damp place, where the air was bad and reeked of ages past. It almost made her nostalgic, thinking back on the times of the past, but also of death. And that was plentiful where she was now. Silent sleeping. Much like she would have been, had the gods given her a gift other than hers. The gift of marsching with time. The price of immortality, was the knowledge of knowing just how empty life could be without certain people in it. And the being which was held behind the massive door, was someone she knew of. A worthy opponent for her, in the absence of Laurel or his successor. After all, her final death would be far more enjoyable, would it be by the hand of someone she knew, or someone who had earnt her respect. Nothing else would do. "Mon chéri." She said as she held Reverio against herself, while Jet looked unfeelingly at the escaping aggressors." You were the object of trickery... They ran away, but a thieving [I]minou[/I] has fled with your sword." She said. "But don't worry. I am not mad. I can't be mad at you." The girl brushed Reverio's face. "We will get you home. And a new blade. How does the Albion relic sound? I can fetch it for you..." Apparently, Hajime and his mech had been allowed to grab Ken and then fly down to where 'Mr. Immortal' was without continued harrassment - Thank the Gods for small gifts. Ken said with a slight growl, "Negotiations went south. I'll tell you the details later."