[color=#9A42AD][i][b][h1][center]Tsak Vlos[/center][/h1][/b][/i][/color] [hr] This was it! Tsak's time to shine! This was her chance to prove to the rest that she could be a valuable asset to the party, a true member, a real adventurer! More importantly, Tsak would prove to that big dumb bugbear, Brutru-whatever, that she was someone to take seriouly! That's right girl, you got this! This time, you'll be the gods damn hero! As she flew near, she drew her dagger in one hand and readied herself to cast Magic Missile. Screaming a war cry, Tsak would shout [color=#9A42AD]"LEEEEEEEEROY JEEEEENKINS!"[/color] She would fly on over to the members on land and land roughly, standing and dusting her knees before looking out at the water. [color=#9A42AD]"Fly off for five minutes to cool off and you guys wander off... where is the big guy and Aurora?"[/color] [Hider]Perception roll [url]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/25612[/url][/hider]