[table][row][right][color=92278f][h3][b]Yuu[/b][/h3][/color]Bjyerlfal City || Byjerlfal City Docks => Camphor's Lab || Morning[/right][/row][cell]Yuu remained relatively quiet during the jaunt to the lab, thinking little of the discourse between the two girls beyond finding the question to be rather redundant in the grand scheme of things. [color=92278f][i]"You could of asked any question, such as 'what are some curious haunts around this city or hole in the wall places you know of,' or 'have you perchance come across any peculiar rumors,' but no, go for the most banal of questions that'll be answered when we encounter the professor,"[/i][/color] Yuu shook his head dismissively as he trailed behind the group, tapping Vivi whenever they wanted a picture of something. The further they went into the city, the more Yuu found himself grimacing as he glared about, silently ruminating to himself. His eyes weren't drawn to the overly flashy and gaudy ads, but instead were glued to the single screen broadcasting David Mexatus. [color=92278f]"Hm,"[/color] Yuu clicked the roof of his mouth; Perhaps he could spare a visit whenever he found the time. Peeling his eyes away, Yuu shifted his focus back to the group and it wasn't long before the group found themselves in front of the lab... and behind another group of people, causing Yuu to groan and shake his head. Great, more people he had to account for; hopefully they weren't more trouble than they're worth... though at the very least they were from Eidda. If he had one good thing to say about the lab, it wasn't overly garish; as he walked in behind the group, Yuu pursed his lips, taking the place in as his shoulders loosened and he felt his body begin to relax. Vivi on the other hand had stopped buzzing with excitement and taking pictures, leading Yuu to give a knowing glance to it and chuckling before he went back to looking about the lab. Well, he [i]wanted[/i] to look around the lab namely in peace and silence, but it looks like one of the other trainers to be was busy making a buffoon out of himself by sitting on the table, loudly making some proclamations and assumptions about their job. Yuu couldn't help but roll his eyes and pinch the bridge and sigh rather loudly as he trudged right by the group before stopping and glaring at Ripley. [color=92278f]"Guinea pigs, seriously,"[/color] Yuu scoffed at the boys claim, not caring in the slightest that he interjected during Richard and Clarissa's own introductions. Vivi couldn't help but whir worriedly, even going as far as to brush up against Yuu's hair to get his attention away from the group, but it was for naught. [color=92278f]"Did you even bother reading about the job you were applying for or did you blindly sign up without even bothering to do any research?"[/color][/cell][cell][hider=Trainer Information || Yuu Nozomu][u]Pokémon [/u] N/A [u]Pokédollars [/u] 000.001.000P [u]Inventory [/u] x1 Potion [u]Interactions [/u] GM | [@Rune_Alchemist] Ripley | [@Bartimaeus] Richard | [@PKMNB0Y] Clarissa | [@Crusader Lord][/hider][/cell][/table]