[i][b]—— Earth-F67X: North Capital City: New Venice [/b][/i] Dom exited HKT HQ with Han at his side. A sidelong glance. Not his type. Kind of an airhead, although that category of beautiful woman had its niche too. They made their way through the half-flooded subway tunnels of New Venice. At one point, Dom waved at a restaurant named The [i]Frier’s Tuck[/i] and said, [i]“Don’t eat there. Was on that show, [/i]Bad Dream Cuisine[i]. Their meat is all spoiled, which says something for stuff grown in a lab parasite-free. But the real reason not to go is that they, uh, what’s the word, oh yeah — they garnish with pubic hair if they think you’re Catholic. They think everyone is Catholic.” [/i] Eventually, the pair came to a flight of stairs leading back up to the surface, or at least what use to be the surface. Good luck seeing sky from there. Two perpendicular signs illuminated in harsh yellow neon read Fifth Ave and 19th ST. [i]“Got a few hours before, well, that’s my business. Keep your eyes peeled. You know what it is we’re hunting yeah? Azot?”[/i] To Dom, Han’s expression seemed incapable of change. Blank, perpetually confused. That’s at least how he read it. Maybe that’s why he identified as a man. They were easy, understandable, relatable. Women were fucking Sphynxes. [i]“Monkey people, blue and green fur. Well, we see an alien, we’ll know. They aren’t us. Far cry from it.”[/i] Dom turned around and started walking away, watching for any activity. Maybe they’d come across the little bugger.