[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hPXx3i9m.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Scarlet Thorne[/h2][/center] Scarlet had traveled a ways to visit this convention. She had been excitedly looking forward to it, expecting the reveal of the newest game in one of her favorite series: 'Immortal Signs'. Of course, that was months ago - before the changes had come over her. After a few feverish, sleepless nights, she had become one of those rare individuals who develop inexplicable powers. Now that she had acquired such unique blessings, the escapist fantasy of video games just didn't appeal to her as strongly. Back then, she was a depressed teenager with little freedom; her parents never would have let her come out here for a convention. But now, she was master of her own destiny. Those overbearing jerks couldn't do a thing to stop her - nobody could. In truth, her mother and father hadn't heard from her in weeks, and she still wasn't feeling a bit guilty about that. Dark leather boots stomped confidently through the venue, just one piece of a coordinated all black get-up. Scarlet wasn't dressed as any particular character, but her bold goth presentation and the thick horns on her head still gave the impression of cosplay. She was drawing more than a few glances as she went around with a cocky smirk, occasionally munching on a chili dog that she'd intimidated a vendor into giving her for free. In the food court, there was a near collision with several people involved, which wasn't so unlikely in a busy place like this. But Scarlet didn't apologize or pull back, instead she took another step towards the old man before her - invading his personal space and threatening to run him over. His question didn't make much sense to her. How could the number of people involved in a chance crossing be important, or disappointing in any way? The dark haired girl chalked the utterance up to probable senility. [b]"Eh? Watch where you're going, pops."[/b] Her attitude was a bit rude, like she [i]wanted[/i] him to squirm.