[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=32CD32]Diana Novikova[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tenor.com/DqIIOcu3zjUAAAAC/mia-smoak-kat-mc-namara.gif[/img] [i]Location: Avenger's Academy, Training room B Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Diana had spent most of the evening in her dorm, she had teleported back to her home briefly to stock up on as many normal and trick arrows that she could. She spent some of the time making sure that her bow was in working order and made sure that she had some spare bow stings on her as well to. Diana didn't really get much sleep the night before really she was excited to start the qualifiers and wanted to prove to her team this time that she wasn't a fuckup like the first day of training Diana before leaving the room she grabbed her usual quiver of arrows, along with the quiver of arrows that Agatha had gifted her back on the first day and left to get something to eat. Luckily classes were all canceled for the day which was nice Diana had gone to the cafeteria and grabbed a bit of breakfast thirty minutes before they needed to go to their assigned training room for their match. She was one of the first to arrive Diana was actually surprised to see some of the more well known heroes were playing as the judges. Seeing She-Hulk, Rogue and Blade himself were sitting there, her eyes turned to look at the team that they were going up against. The Unity Squad, Diana only really recognize two of them Momchil looked like a Rito from the Winder Waker Zelda game, they could fly and was also a skilled archer like she was. It'll be interesting going up against her, and then there was Jyoti Singh another flying who could manipulate weather. The rest Diana wasn't really familiar with when the match started the lights quickly went out and she was immediately hit with a blast knocking her backwards and slammed into the back wall of the training area. Diana groaned as she slowly started to stand up she held her chest and winced looking down at her clothes they were singed a bit. She had opted to just wear her training uniform over anything else she turned to Victoria. [color=32CD32]"I'm good."[/color] Diana said, as she ran for cover thanks to Leah she wasn't going to let a burn get to her. Diana quickly drew out her bow sadly she didn't get a good line of sight thanks to Leah's barricade. So she angled her bow into the air, enough so that she could get her shots off, they needed to take Abby out so that they could see again. [color=32CD32]"If you got weather sensors in that fancy suit of armor of yours, Jyoti Singh she is a weather manipulator. Momchil is an archer like me."[/color] Diana said to Victoria she hoped that information was useful as Diana fired off five explosive arrows in quick succession over the barrier and over to the other team's side. She wasn't sure if they had hit targets or not however. [hr][hr] [center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.tenor.com/utvGu5D6dOUAAAAC/hope-mikaelson.gif[/img] [I]Location: Avenger's Academy, Training Room C Skills: N/A Grimoire: Eldritch Blast[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Madalyne had stayed up for awhile last night talking to her bestie and roomie April about the qualifiers the next morning she had also spent some of it just practicing some of her spells as well to. The next morning she had gotten up early and grabbed some breakfast, and eventually met the rest of the team in Training Room C where they would be going up against their opponents. Madalyne eyed the judges seeing that they were Iron Man, Black Widow and the Hulk. They definetly did need to be at the top of their game if they wanted to get their attention during these matches. Her eyes turned to their opponents, Madalyne only recongnized two of them Theda Papadopoulos was a Siren and could manipulate people like they could do in myths with their singing Theda also had an identical twin sister. Micheala was also a senior with some kind of cosmic powers like the Pheonix thats about all she knew however. And Madalyne also easily recognized Megan Pendragon back during their first day as well to. When the match started The New Defenders quickly sprung into action she turned to Mary-Sue. [color=7FFFD4]"Create a barrier or cage of some kind around the golem to make it harder to get to them."[/color] Madalyne suggested as she noticed the speedster luckily April managed to slow him down and she can manipulate the water and turn it to ice. [color=7FFFD4]"April handle the Speedster and keep him on ice and away from the golem with Mary."[/color] Madalyne then started to chant a quick spell sending an eldritch blast directly at Theda. Sadly the first shot had missed but luckily the second blast hit her and knocked her down breaking the Siren's concentration. [color=7FFFD4]"Gideon! Turn your focus on Megan. Have her direct her anger on you. Theda i'll take her on. And Andy you focus on Micheala."[/color] Madalyne suggested, the team didn't really have a leader assigned to them and usually switched it up, or if anyone did offer to act as the team leader during their training sessions. She turned her attention back to Theda, she would help out wherever they needed.