[center][h2][color=00aeef]Nyx Nebula[/color][/h2][/center][hr] As she found herself in the Expanse, the hair on the back of Nyx's neck stood up. The [i]things[/i] that surrounded them [i]seemed[/i] pleasant, but something about them threw her off. Suddenly there was a commotion in her mind again. -Mentally- Far from the usual "bite" command, the voice responsible for the idea growled. It felt something wrong here, and it was likely what was generating Nyx's own feelings of anxiety. It wasn't that it believed that these entities were [i]evil[/i], so much as personally counter to its happiness. Maybe it had experienced relations with a similar group? Similarly, the calmest voice did not relax either, though did not take an actively hostile stance like the other. [color=fff200]"Take care around these,"[/color] it counseled Nyx. [color=fff200]"Even if they have nothing but the best interests of yours at heart, they are powerful, and powerful beings are dangerous by their nature."[/color] Nyx could only agree within her mind. She felt overwhelmed by these entities, but there was no active hostility from them. -Outside- The spokesman for the beings told the group of ancient versions of their world and of a threat to their current one. Cthulhu? Elder Gods? None of it made any sense, even for the girl who heard voices. -Mentally- [color=fff200]"Think. If what we're being told is true, then these are likely the 'current' gods."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"And what, exactly, are we supposed to do about a Great Old One like Cthulhu? We're collectively a teenage girl, there's not a lot of stories of even powerful people beating Old Ones. If we try to fight it, we'll die."[/color] The third voice continued growling, ignoring the other three who could hear it. -Outside- [color=00aeef]"Um..."[/color] Nyx spoke aloud. [color=00aeef]"That's terrible and all, but... what are we supposed to do about it? We're two teenagers and one adult, but you think we can stop something that can destroy the world?"[/color] Her demeanor suddenly switched, seemingly out of her control. [color=00aeef]"And if you want us to 'represent you,' then shouldn't you tell us who you are first?"[/color] As soon as the last word was out of her mouth, her attitude returned to its normal, currently distressed and overwhelmed state. [@ActRaiserTheReturned]