[center][h3]~ Road --> Village ~[/h3][/center] [center]- [@Polaris North], [@The Irish Tree] -[/center] The pain burned like hell. Einer writhed in the ground, clutching his shoulder that had a bullet tear a clean hole through it. His hand was drenched in blood, crimson spread outward as more of his clothes absorbed it. He wanted to scream all sorts of profanities, but his voice got stuck in his throat due to the pain. The musician was blind and oblivious to everything that was happening. If it weren't for his allies, Einer would have been finished off moments ago. [quote=Hector Wyland][color=8493ca][b]"Be still, and try to observe around you. You're lucky the bullet went clean through,"[/b][/color][/quote] Einer's tear-filled eyes looked up to [u]Hector[/u]. The latter's healing spell relieved some of the pain, but there was no relieving the hurt to his pride. Arguably, much more damaged than his shoulder was. As [u]Hector[/u] guarded him, tears streaked Einer's cheeks. The musician wondered why was fate so unkind to him? He enjoyed himself in his previous quest, he supposed. This was fate's retribution for having a small moment of pride. It was too much to ask for, wasn't it? The fight continued on, with Ruecian and [u]Shavis[/u] and the latter's familiar battled the remaining bandits. Einer watched with unabashed envy as they made short work of their opponents. But then, three bandits correctly thought that he, [u]Hector[/u] and the carriage were vulnerable targets. Einer lamented again. That if he was any stronger, he could have done something about this. Fighting's a no-go, and his Thaumaturgy repertoire was unable to help [u]Hector[/u] unless the enemy cast a curse every swing of their weapon. Truly, the situation could not be worse... Suddenly, however, a bright light shone from the carriage. A warrior from inside took down a bandit, moving like a blur. When the person stopped moving, the figure revealed herself to be... "[color=springgreen]Madam Imre?[/color]" A ringing sound in the head drowned out all noise as Einer's mental functions ceased as he stared at Imre. His ears heard the words, but none made it to his mind. Einer's body obediently followed the group as they embarked back into the carriage and quickly drove to the village to treat Einer's wound. [quote=Nathaniel][b]”Milady, I will lead Sir Devaron to the town physician post haste.”[/b][/quote] As Nathaniel escorted Einer to the local physician, it was only that time when the bard regained his faculties. "[color=springgreen]She... could fight... [b]ALL THIS TIME?![/b][/color]" He practically bellowed.