[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O5HcFCh.png[/img][/center] [hider=Old World] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9mDQwCm.png[/img][/center] [/hider][center][h1]Captain Belo[/h1][sub]44 y/o | 6'5 | 269 lbs[/sub] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzxorSwsd1k]"My friend, it ain't chess, but it ain't a job for brutes."[/url][/i][/center] [b]Job[/b][indent] "Captain"[/indent] [b]Cause of Death[/b][indent] "Drowning"[/indent] [b]Background[/b][indent] There was the village, the wilds, and the ocean. That was all he knew as a child, the eldest son of an impoverished family of fishermen. He could draw nets at the same pace he learned to walk, and he sailed with his father upon those sky-blue waves when he could understand language and motive. The family had to eat and so did the village. It only made sense to do their part best they could for the betterment of all, for who would be fool enough to hoard more than what they could consume? The largest man of the village didn’t account for much if any two others came up with sticks and stones. Knives made it even easier, if one was willing to up the ante. Fish and humans both spilled their guts after a single swing in the right place, even if one flopped around more than the other. That was what he was born in, and he had no reason to believe it would ever change. But the world was connected by the ocean, and what waves made in one part of the world would inevitably reach the other. Even as they ate the same amount, fished the same amount, the yield grew less and less. More ships travelled in the distance, trawling the seas, crossing the waters. And in-land, gunfire and explosions could be heard more and more frequently, the thunder that rolled over cloudless plains. The lands were lawless, but there were those who sought to instate laws regardless, who sought control over those who they’ve never even shared a meal with before. The largest man didn’t account for much if any two others came up with sticks and stones, but two others would be far from enough if the individual had an automatic firearm. The village could no longer be allowed to exist on its own. It had to be part of a nation now, had to use the national currency, had to pay for the right to live on the land, had to report to officials with more fuel and bullets than common sense and respect for their fellow man. His father was incensed, but himself? He wasn’t so set in the old ways. If fishing wasn’t enough, then there was another option for someone born to break the waves. Piracy. And Captain Belo was [i]good[/i] at it. He was already big, and he ate to get even bigger, understanding that even in the age of projectile weapons, there was nothing quite as intimidating as sheer mass to the human psyche. He learned the language of his victims, affecting himself with the accent of their leaders, for this was no crime he committed, but rather a business transaction. He remained generous, even as his activities estranged himself from his family, and the breadth of his heart made him popular in the markets whenever he needed investors to chip in on his business ventures. Others were more savage, more brutal, but with that unfettered violence came that risk of simply being conned. Captain Belo though? His name travelled as his activities did. He dressed well, possessed good manners, and his crew suffered the fewest casualties out at sea. They trusted him, and he [i]rewarded[/i] them for their trust in kind. It was a golden time, just as brilliant as those days in his youth, when all he had to think about was the day’s catch. He once caught fish, then he caught ships. Now, however? He couldn’t catch either. International patrols made his job more and more dangerous. The provisional government no longer condoned such activities, in exchange for foreign aid. The markets were frequented by less investors, and those he once knew had to turn upon their own kind in order to set food on the table. Foreign elements strengthened their foothold upon the arid lands, and when he returned to his village, to his home, he found that he had been sending money back to a ghost town. The fisheries had dried up. Foreign vessels had won the war, and nothing remained but an old, sun-bleached skiff, laid upon the sands He sat there for a bit. Considered the invitations he had received. There was always a need for a singular package of muscles and brains. He spoke the language of foreign merchants well, had a level-headed attitude, and could be relied upon to deliver and share. Though it would be a den of snakes he strode into, they would not bite him. But he was a man of the sea. Caves didn’t suit him. And so, Belo set the skiff in the waters, gripped the well-worn handle of the paddle, and began to row, off upon a voyage which he would not return from. [/indent][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Cyy625f.png[/img][h1]Belo[/h1][sub] 6'9 | 169 lbs Orc Grunt | Drasil[/sub] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RcYIyEgvvY]"Ah, hell. Another world where me and mine are treated as vermin."[/url][/i][/center]