[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hPXx3i9m.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Scarlet Thorne[/h2][/center] Scarlett was feeling increasingly lost as this conversation progressed. What the entities were saying wasn't that hard to understand... but it was very difficult to [i]accept.[/i] First she wondered why they would need lesser creatures to represent them. If they were this powerful, then why not handle it themselves? But she put that thought aside for the moment. She supposed they'd have their reasons. And maybe this meant that, as intimidating as they were, they were somehow limited in their actions. And this helped her regain some confidence. The fact that these gods were calling themselves "the Light" really clashed with her sense of aesthetics. She audibly clicked her tongue when she heard that name. But she resisted the urge to rebel. And after a minute, a strange voice sounded in her head - different than those of the beings. A voice from [i]within her[/i]. [b][color=purple]"Play along for now,"[/color][/b] it said. [b][color=purple]"You don't really have to be a good girl... hahaha. But knowledge is power, my dear. Take as much information as they'll give you... use it to get closer to the heart of the matter, and then make your own decision."[/color][/b] Yes, that made sense. That was how one could effectively assert her will in this situation. [b]"Fine,"[/b] Scarlet replied, regaining her bearings. [b]"Tell us what we can do to help you. And then let me go. Please."[/b]