[h3][color=gold][center]Jaclyn [i]"OfAll"[/i] Chreyz[/center][/color][/h3][center][img]https://assets.mycast.io/actor_images/actor-ta-kaiya-blaney-267392_small.jpg?1631024853[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=gold][b]Location[/b][/color]: Asteroid M [color=gold][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic[/center] [hr][hr] Despite Guin and Pietro's distrust of Magneto, OfAll was believing him. A part of her mind thought she should follow their lead, being they actually knew him. Another part of her mind said the opposite for the exact same reason; lenses could be clouded. It just didn't make sense, at least presently, for Magneto to play confused. Unless he was trying to get one over on them and couldn't have them suspecting that since they were all still here, meaning he'd have to try again sometime. Or unless he was luring them into a false sense of security, planning something much worse he would shortly be leading them to. Still, it seemed like a lot of unnecessary trouble. But what could you really put past megalomaniacs? In any case, the situation was at hand, and OfAll had to focus on the concrete at least as much as the abstract. And that's when something very real caught her attention: the sound of Lance snapping his leg back into place. Besides being mildly sickening, this had the side effect of dialing OfAll's mind back onto own injuries. Movement -her own, or others' near her- caused a fresh wave of stinging from the movement of air across her hands and especially her arms. The need to survive -adrenaline, had distracted her from much of her pain up until this moment. Things had calmed down, and it was all coming back. She was only vaguely aware of Carolina appearing, her words washing over OfAll though she wasn't quite catching their meaning. Then the words spoken by a different voice rang clearer in OfAll's ears. [color=gold]"Not really,"[/color] she answered Bethany, distress conveyed in her voice, [color=gold]"is Edus with you?"[/color] OfAll asked, registering how finally they had found -or been found by- on of the group who had been taken. The rest had to be close, right? They could get out of here --Magneto willing.