[quote=@King Kindred] With this being said if anyone wants to work on some relations with Kali/Lady X while the team was still together and after they disbanded, I'm down. She's still in Seattle, but may not live in the Tower, but she does check on it every now and then hoping Julian finally awakens. [/quote] I've had it that Eilidh has always been at the tower - so they would have had contact. Maybe they have bonded over being twins. Eilidh might have sensed Kali's longing, but hesitance for friendship and probably frequently tries to invite her to dinners which she may or may not go to. I think in the two years, Eilidh re-enrolled and finished her degree, and maybe is working slowly through a Masters of Psych now. She's stayed at the tower and treated it as her home, keeps tabs on various things that may be of interest to them and has been working on her powers. She will likely have a very good connection with Red now as shown in the IC, they can communicate pretty wordlessly if need be and probably from a distance.