[h1][b][i][color=A2797E][center]Sabine Bassard[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5e/e8/0f/5ee80f60848d0b3a86d766c75ee1b800.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=A2797E][b]Location[/b][/color]: Gym - Training Room A [color=A2797E][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Memory Manipulation [/center] [hr][hr] Sabine awoke earlier than usual. That was, in part, due to today being an important day for her. She got up to face the morning, wondering what to wear. Zelda had managed to work on their costumes for today's match. Sabine had to admit that Zelda had talent here. For her own costume, it was a lightly-wrapped [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813132925003497512/1156037315249049631/3ea93327944aee71ce46da221cabda6b.jpg?ex=651971e6&is=65182066&hm=8ce774d9bd4d851bf40e26777f3446de42493de441c1e9ff5b34185fc962fae0&]number[/url] in dark and light blue that Sabine felt drew out her eye and hair color. It was easy to move in, allowing her to run around without worry of being burdened by heavy fabrics or tangled up in unnecessary nonsense. It also allowed for her to equip her sword to her hip for easy access. Though they were not required to dress up for this, Sabine felt it showed their dedication to the team. Zelda was a talented designer and if they showed up wearing suits designed by her, it showed their focus. Granted, Sabine wasn't extremely confident in her team, they at least had some time to get to know each other during training. That would have to be enough for now. Once she was in her outfit, she fixed her hair in a sleek up-do so it wouldn't get in her eyes. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw the picture of confidence. This was it. A chance to show who she was and what she could do. Would the others uplift her? She had to believe they would. She got a notification on her phone and saw that Leah, who had gone off for her own preparations, texted her and April. Sabine smiled, staring at the screen. She had gotten very lucky. She sent off a quick reply. [hider=@Leah, @April] [color=A2797E]Glamour: Wish you two the best of luck during this. I know you're going to do great! We'll celebrate our wins after! <3[/color][/hider] She put her phone away and grabbed her sword, hooking it to her side. Once satisfied, she made her way towards the training room gym and to her team. [hr] Her team looked amazing. Sabine glanced at the room they stood in, facing off against the other team. It wasn't surprising how big a deal they made this. This was entertainment in its own right. A heroes versus villains match with them being the villains. Hell, part of the school already thought of her as some type of ice queen so it was only fitting. The goal was simple, keep the hostage with them, stop the heroes. Easy. Sabine waited for the match to start, thinking of possible strategies. Dorian's ability would be great here. He could easily possess one of them and take them out. She could manipulate maybe one or two of them to fight against their own side or, as a last chance, have them just sleep it off. She would be good offensive or defensive. Danni would also be good at defending. Percy was an attacker, able to teleport, though he would have to take it easy. Zelda was the unknown one here. Sabine didn't get a chance to see much of her skills, but Zelda would hopefully stand up and defend. Once Cristal sounded the start, Sabine began to move forward but stopped. What was she doing? Here she was, about to charge ahead when there was this beautiful creature in front of her. That made no sense. Sabine loved beautiful things and this girl was no exception. Sabine wanted nothing more than to go to her and embrace her and forget about this stupid competition. She strode forward, determined to meet her new muse. Each step got her closer to her. Sabine reached out, hoping to feel her delicate skin. And then the world came crashing down as Sabine fell, landing on her knees. She shook her head. What had just happened? A new song filled her ears, once she understood. She looked and saw what confirmed it for her, Dorian was not nearby. It seemed she had been bested by someone's abilities. She assumed it was the woman she had just been infatuated with. Dorian managed to stop it, thankful for the assist. [color=A2797E]"Clever, but not clever enough."[/color] Dorian had gotten into the one girl, but Percy was facing off against someone else. They would need Percy to help with the others. Sabine reached out, attempting to insert herself into Paul's mind. Once inside, she would do some damage. [hider=Roll Request] Sabine would like to user memory manipulation skill to have Paul switch sides, changing his memories to have him believe he is on the villain's side and to help them fight against the other 4[/hider]