[Center][h2][color=ed1c24]Aurora[/color][/h2][/center] Aurora watched in silent horror as the beings tore into Brutrumukk. The feeling of being unable to have at least intervened and helped him escape left the elf feeling helpless. Sure she had felt like leaving the bugbear at the cabin due to his drunken antics, she didn't want him to die either as Brutrumukk had not necessarily earned that fate in her eyes. Aurora briefly looked at the short-sword contemplating using it to at least free Brutrumukk's body and haul it back to the surface for a proper burial. She glanced and saw the bugbear's fallen gear laying in the bed of the murky waters. Aurora dove to grab the bag and started back to the surface. She would at least give these to Jub so he had something of Brutrumukk's to remember. Then the elf, with help from the others maybe, would finish these beings and bury their companion. With the bag in hand Aurora swims back to the surface. Once at the surface, the elf swam towards Jub attempting to drag him towards the raft. [Color=ed1c24]"I'm sorry Jub... I'm so sorry..."[/color] She says as she continues to the shore. [Hider=OOC]Rory uses part of her movement to grab Brutrumukk's bag, then goes to the surface. She will use the dash bonus action to move towards the raft and grabbing Jub on the way of she can.[/hider]