[center][h3][b][color=ff48a5]Mary Sue Sullivan[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://image.film.at/images/cfs_landscape_616w_347h/7106616/46-149344534.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=ff48a5]Location:[/color][/b] The Gym- Training Room C [b][color=ff48a5]Skills: [/color][/b] Friendship [hr][hr][/center] Mary Sue had been going over strategies and counter attacks in her head for possible situations she might find herself in the past week. She had a notebook [i]full[/i] of ideas and limitations and all the things that could go wrong or right. It was in this way she took after her father, never content to assume she was okay. After one more night of pouring over the possible permutations of the coming competition, she had arrived ready and anxious an hour early, to make sure she got any jitters or nerves out of her. This strategy, of course, while well founded, was futile. Given that she was to be judged by three former Avengers, there was no world in which she could handle this calmly. That was okay though, she was on edge, but cracking under pressure wasn't something she had to worry about. If she screwed up, on the other hand, she might never live it down. It was because of that, that once the competition had begun, she was on point, acting almost without thought. When playing the villain, it was a game of keep away, something her powers had an obvious application for. Sticking a hand out, a dome spread from her palm, and encapsulated the golem in a protective barrier. It was at that point, that she realized she felt [i]deeply[/i] angry, in a way that made her cheeks flush red and fists ball up. She wasn't used to feeling any emotion this intensely that wasn't self directed. Her gaze wandered over to Mega, and her jaw clenched up. The rational part of her brain recognized that this wasn't normal, but she didn't care much. Anger was anger, and she could at the very least direct that anger; focus it into a weapon for her to use. The best way she could do so would be by beating them and stopping them from advancing. Upon hearing one of them was a Siren, Mary Sue knew exactly what to do. She didn't expect her constructs to hold up well against people who could physically resist them; she knew she wasn't going to manacle something with super strength, but this was somebody she was an almost natural counter to. Rushing up on Theda without hesitation, she put her hand son either side of the young girl, her eyes wide with concentration. There was a quiet hum for a moment, before all at once, a solid piece metal gag was wrapped around the Theda's face and inside her mouth. That would shut her up, or at least that was Mary Sue's hope. [hider=Held Roll] If Mary Sue is attacked, she'd like to materialize a barrier between herself and her attacker (Not a whole bubble, a wall.) [/hider]