[h1][b][i][color=aba400][center]Maximillian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1107862430182297690/Max_Header.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=aba400][b]Location[/b][/color]: Space, the final frontier [color=aba400][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Perception, Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff (clothing creation) [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1072256323997151362/Screenshot_20191006-040735_Instagram.jpg]Current Outfit: Header Image[/url][/center] [hr][hr] So Magneto had intended for there to be Contests of Strength for the right to be in his new paradise. Though it appeared they were meant to be voluntary contests, no death situations only meant to help bolster defenses while the Asteroid was still being worked on. It was clear to Max that Exodus must have done exactly what he had implied earlier. He must've heard about the way it was meant to work and twisted the ideals to his own crusade as an excuse to go and fight X-men new and old to not only prove themselves worthy, but to also eliminate those who may stand in their way later on down the road. It all made sense and allied with what Max had managed to learn about Magneto throughout the years. He wanted to counter Pietro's own refusal of the proposed truth, with how in all these years Magneto had been the only one to consistently offer mutants a choice, even when M-pox ravaged across the country he came to the MU and offered them a chance for the cure, something Charles never did. He wanted to tell him there was no way that Magneto could know everything that happened when he doubted Charles himself could account for every single one of his students or followers. There was so much he wanted to say, but it all fell to the wayside as a sickening crack resounded in the metallic corridor. Lance was injured, Max needed to help but his healing magic was touchy at best, especially with that bubble of light around them pushing him off. He took one step forward when Carolina came into view and began yelling at him for leaving them behind. [Color=aba400]"Now's not the time for that Reed. But if you'd like an answer as to why I'll be happy to explain it all to you once this situation is diffused and we are on our merry way."[/color] Max replied with an edge to his voice before giving his attention to Jaclyn. [Color=aba400]"No, but I can attempt to contact him…again."[/color] Ed had been the most difficult person he'd ever tried to call, it was like he didn't want to be found by Max, like how he felt on the walk to the Dark Castle. Distant, fearful, and alone. Fortunately for him his spell made contact as scanned over the bodies before him, Lance's leg being the only injury he could see. Now what was meant to be said was [i][color=aba400]"Ed, It's Max. Magento found us but he seems to be friendly for now. Lance is injured, his legs broken...can you patch him up from afar?"[/color][/i] But unbeknownst to Max, his spell had come with mystical static that plagued the message Ed received. So all his dear mystic friend would receive is [color=aba400]"Ed, It's Max. [Tcssssshhhhcht] found us [tsht] he [Tssshhhhhhhcchhssshht] friendly for [Tsht]. [Tsssht] is injured, his legs are broken...can you patch [tsshrt] up [tsht] afar?"[/color]