[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=8181F7]Zelda Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/9e7ec7f5a15ab1494a3df2d18ee821e7/80bdbb117954049c-2c/s400x600/94eb82c3efc7a66965e9a55f44e4fb58ec036520.gif[/img][hr][b][color=8181F7]Location:[/color][/b] Training Room A [b][color=8181F7]Skills:[/color][/b] Knife Throwing[hr][hr][/center] She was not super thrilled with this whole thing really. Fighting each other didn't seem like the best of things (though the fact that their team was a bit dysfunctional didn't help their situation) so when others wanted superhero costumes for them to use, she happily jumped on it. Since it allowed her time to go race around and make things for everyone. Zelda's own costume was already made, her Sheik costume that she had worn during the auditions. Plus she had focused a bit on making Percy's at one point, so there was that. When it came to the day of, she switched into her costume, and made sure that she had her sling of knives that she carried around to throw. The key thing was to go attack people where it wouldn't kill and would only seemingly result in an injury. Since that was not the sort of situation she wanted to find herself in. However in her costume, she was definitely a bit more confident in what she was doing. That was the thing, pretending to be someone else made her feel better. It made her feel like if she messed up then it wasn't necessarily [i]her[/i] messing up, just the persona that she had adopted for the fight. As the fighting began, the siren person's voice was a bit odd to her, but it didn't necessarily stop her from being able to do anything. Though the corny song that Dorian had decided to start up when he was clearly taking control of that girl was a bit weird to him. Her attention turned towards the light manipulator person, and she threw her first knife. Aiming a bit too high the person had managed to throw up a shield to defend against something that would have not been what she had been aiming for. Her next two shots were mixed, one the person had managed to dodge, though the other had managed to lodge itself in the upper shoulder stuck there. At least that was something for her to have accomplished to say the least. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=05794C]Zarina Raynordattir[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/c1d0a485b166c468983807583e0b80e7/54e9fc6512ae5ec8-c2/s400x600/a48bbed97d1225a05892edc582f2036546819786.gifv[/img][hr][b][color=05794C]Location:[/color][/b] Training Room B [b][color=05794C]Skills:[/color][/b] Sword Fighting, Technopathy[hr][hr][/center] Zari was super excited for this whole fighting thing. Sounded like a whole lot of fun in her mind, though she also didn't think having an actual team leader was a good idea. So for the most part she still kind of ignored Vicki's stuff for things. Not to mention she had decided to try to make comms for everyone. By herself. She does realize that Zari literally is great with any for of tech and electronics right? That literally is her entire thing, but nope, decided to do it all on her own. There was the issue of having to prevent herself from giggling a little bit at the fact that she had sort of failed in that mission. Anyway when it came time to join up with her team, she had armored up in her own armor, her sword was at her side and a horn was hooked at her waist as well. She was wearing her Valkyrie helm as well, and so she was prepared for just about anything. Then as the battle begun, the lights decided to go out because of someone, and with Leah's wall she couldn't exactly see. Now that was annoying. Zari used her powers (or attempted to) to at least get it so that there was some light as one flickered back on overhead, but was weak. That was better then nothing she figured. After another moment of thinking though, she facepalmed as she realized how much of a moron she was. [color=05794C]"I am such an idiot, who needs lights when my sword is literally called Glowstick for a reason,"[/color] she said with a bit of a laugh as she unsheathed her sword, and it began emanating with a bright bit of light. Sure, made her a bit of an easy target, but now she could at least see everything around her. Zari shook her head a bit at Victoria though, [color=05794C]"You'll be fine, plus think the fact that we are in a bowl of sorts means let's attack the aerial ones first, since you know, arrows can hurt. Plus some of us can fly you know,"[/color] she said, the first part of her sentence was a bit more firmly directed towards Victoria in more ways then one a bit. Without so much as a second thought though, she unhooked her horn and blew on it very loudly, the sound echoing throughout the room as a portal opened up next to her, and out walked Mr. Sparkles the Pegasus. Hoping on board, she giggled a bit, [color=05794C]"Mr. Sparkles, let's go!"[/color] she said happily as they took off into the air, her sword still glowing to light the way for her. It didn't take long for her to get up and find the bird guy, and with one swing, making sure to aim for using the hilt of her sword as opposed to fully the blade, and slammed it into him, resulting in the guy dropping like a fly and hitting the ground out cold.