[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR52k84p/54b4e63d635603b22d80f72a4ba2be54.png[/img][hr][img]https://media.tenor.com/81TYwkhtRmYAAAAC/avengers-ready.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@PatientBean][@Forsythe][@Blizz][@Kirah][@Natsu][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]Round One - Mon. Oct. 18th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=AC3EFF]Training Room A[/color] Excelsior (villains) vs the Mighty Marvels (heroes) Ser Nemo vs Jack of Harts Judges - the Black Knight, Crystal of the Inhumans, Shang-Chi [hider=Rosters]Excelsior - Sabine Bassard (junior) Zelda Flynn (freshman) Dorian Gray (junior) Danni Kingston (junior) Percy Novikov (freshman) Mighty Marvels - Arsène Lane (senior) (he/him) Emily Colter (sophomore) (she/they) Paul Feigenbaum (senior) (he/him) Xènia Papadopoulos (senior) (she/her) Salah Qadir (sophomore) (they/them)[/hider] [color=AC3EFF]Training Room B[/color] Uncanny Avengers (villains) vs the Unity Squad (heroes) Usagi vs Tigra Judges - She-Hulk, Blade, Rogue [hider=Rosters]Uncanny Avengers - Edward Acra (senior) (he/him) Leah Jordan (junior) Diana Novikova (junior) Zari Raynordattir (junior) Victoria van Dyne (junior) The Unity Squad - Momchil Angelov (senior) (they/them) Sveva Akerman (freshman) (she/her) Jyoti Singh (sophomore) (she/her) Rada Sternberg (freshman) (she/her) Abby Smith (freshman) (they/them)[/hider] [color=AC3EFF]Training Room C[/color] The Huntresses (villains) vs the New Defenders (heroes) Lady Nimue vs Brunnhilde Judges - Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow [hider=Rosters]The Huntresses - Madalyne Crane (sophomore) Andy Gallio-Lensherr (junior) April Flynn (junior) Mary Sue Sullivan (Freshman) Gideon Muir (senior) (she/her) the New Defenders Megan Pendragon (freshman) (she/her) Enya Mac Suibhne (freshman) (she/they) Neferkare Ali (freshman) (he/any) Theda Papadopoulos (senior) (she/her) Michaela Jones (senior) (she/her)[/hider][hr][center][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]Uncanny Avengers[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Ed managed to catch his breath, scrambling up from his position on the wall. His head was spinning slightly and the adrenaline was pounding through his body. Vicky was yelling at him to help Diana - but Diana was already running off. It was so incredibly hard to see though in the dark, and he fumbled around in his many pouch'd belt. He knew where he had put these things earlier, and it helped that they had a distinct shape to the other items he had. He awkwardly undid the zipper, before pulling out a pair of green goggles. He smirked, once they were on his head - and he could see perfectly again. They were night vision goggles. Everything was a shade of green now, but that was fine. He got an idea then. It would [i]maybe[/i] get them disqualified... But it might not. He reached into another pouch of the belt, pulling out four little discs. He'd made these last year for his final project in his engineering course. He stuck them onto various points of the earth tent Leah had made around the hostage, and they began to blink. "No one's saving you now," Ed whispered to the golem encased in Earth. "At least, not in one piece..." They were bombs, of course - pressure activated ones. Over by the Wall, Momchil took a nasty dive, hitting the ground with a [i]thud[/i]. They were out cold, thanks to a firm whack in the head from the flat of Zari's sword. But they weren't maimed or dead, so the judges didn't do much, beyond scribbling down a note or two. Their team didn't have any healers. Diana's explosive arrows had sailed over the wall, but given her inability to aim, they hit the ground without striking anyone. Rada and Sveva had a few close calls, narrowly running and getting out of the way of the arrows. None of them fell near Abby. It was easier to see now though, between Zari's flashlight sword and Victoria's spotlight. On the other side of the wall, Rada Sternberg punched repeatedly in a single location. In her metal form, she had super strength - much like the X-Man Colossus. A small hole began to form, growing bigger with each punch, but it wasn't enough yet for a person to get through. "Let me," Sveva insisted. Rada stepped to the side, quirking an eyebrow at her teammate. Sveva then narrowed her eyes, lasers shooting out of them, as she started to burn away at the wall. It wasn't unlike the circular sweep of a lightsaber in a Star Wars movie, creating a circle that could be easily kicked on through. Without a word though, Abby walked up to another portion of the wall, and they threw their weight against it. They were stronger the more electricity they had consumed, and they were bursting with light and energy. Their glow faded, but the earth gave way, creating a person sized entrance to the other side. "Hey guys," Abby said. "We're here to save the day. You can surrender now if you want." Jyoti had taken advantage of the chaos, and everyone focusing on Momchil. She was staying up high towards the ceiling, doing her best to fly quietly over to the hostage. But now with a flying pegasus, Jyoti decided there needed to be a change of plans. Channeling her favorite hero, Ororo Munroe, Jyoti cried - "lightning! hear my cry!" Storm clouds began to gather around her, a light and gentle rain falling. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=42A9FF]April Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/0a/93/2b0a9358189229cfe46020b75a8fc358.gif[/img][hr][b][color=42A9FF]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room C [b][color=42A9FF]Skills:[/color][/b] Hydrokinesis [hr][hr][/center] April nodded. [color=42A9FF]"Got it, boss, I'll..."[/color] her voice drifted off. She had been about to try to freeze Neferkare solid, at least until the match was over. It was the logical thing to do. Speedsters didn't mix well with the cold. It's what a villain would do. But suddenly... Suddenly she didn't want to do that anymore. The little girl with the black braids, she infuriated April more than anyone had infuriated her before in her life. Her heart was full with hate as April abandoned the speedster, instead making a beeline for the daughter of King Arthur. [color=42A9FF]"You!"[/color] April hissed. [color=42A9FF]"What gives you the fucking [i]right[/i]?"[/color] she screamed. There was blood on Megan's face - Andy had definitely broken her nose - and it made April want to spin her aunt up in the air in joy. She only could've been happier if she had gotten to break Megan's nose herself. "Hey, hey, she's MINE!" Gideon complained. She had reluctantly left the hot siren alone, and instead went over for a sword fight - which was admittedly her favorite thing to do. [color=42A9FF]"How about we all fuck her up together? How's that sound? She def deserves it. I bet she's a future psycho or something,"[/color] April swore. And without waiting for an answer, she reached out with her hands and pulled towards herself. A small whip of water flew from the pool, flying into April's hands. She wanted to strangle Megan with it. She was [i]going[/i] to strangle Megan with it. Nothing else mattered. She didn't care if she won today. She didn't care if she went to super hell for murder. But just as April was about to strike, a webbed hand grabbed her by the back of the hair... and dragged her backwards, catching her unawares. The person dragged her into the pool, where April thrashed violently, trying to get free, but she didn't surface. Enya Mac Suibhne was, after all, a selkie. Megan swung her sword at Andy, aiming to hit her in the head with the flat of it, but Gideon was faster - she parried the blow with her own sword. The two swordsmen then became locked in a struggle, Megan attempting to get the upper hand, nearly managing it, and Gideon faring much the same. "Little help here, Elvira?" Gideon asked Andy playfully. She had a crush on the tiny girl. Meanwhile, Theda was screaming soundlessly, trying to speak through the gag. But it was no use. She couldn't access her powers. So instead, she grabbed Mary Sue by the hair and slammed her down to the ground [i]hard[/i]. She went to kick at the other girl in the chest, but Mary Sue would be able to roll out of the way, avoiding the blow. Neferkare's feet were still stuck in the ice, and he was tugging at them, trying to get free. But Michaela, no one was bothering her. She walked almost nonchalantly on down, as if she was going for coffee. Her hair was floating gently, as if being picked up slightly by the wind. She reached out and set a hand gently on the dome. "No more," Michaela whispered. An intense ball of light and darkness and hope and despair appeared in her hand, colliding violently against the dome, beginning to warp and fracture it - it wouldn't last for long against the horror. [hider=Ongoing Effects]Megan - she draws ire and hate, bringing out those negative emotions and causing people to focus on attacking her in a fight [list][*]Madalyne Crane: Blinded by her anger and hate for Megan [*]Andy Gallio-Lensherr: Feeling anger and hate, but not blinded [*]April Flynn: Blinded by her anger and hate for Megan [*]Mary Sue Sullivan: Not impacted [*]Gideon Muir: Feeling anger and hate, but not blinded [/list] Theda Papadopoulos - she is a siren, her voice will drive you to madness, seducing you with what you want most [list][*]Madalyne Crane: Not impacted [*]Andy Gallio-Lensherr: Not impacted [*]April Flynn: Not impacted [*]Mary Sue Sullivan: Not impacted [*]Gideon Muir: Not impacted [/list][/hider][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Percy Novikov[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/5908331ec0b49a380a9c956f183679b4/3b2fd09da33ce029-24/s400x600/b3bf361ddcf40d23e95ba393968305ec799fe0c3.gif[/img][hr][b][color=ed1c24]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room A [b][color=ed1c24]Skills:[/color][/b] Temporal Teleportation, Small time-space displacement jumps ( < 50 ft range) [hr][hr][/center] Surprisingly, Sabine wasn't able to get inside of Paul's mind - perhaps he had taken some anti-telepathy courses or seminars. He did keep on glancing over at Xènia though, his eyes full of love. He wanted to make her proud of him. And what better way to do that then by obliterating their enemies and securing their spot in the Contest of Champions? "This is for you, Xènia!" Paul boasted. Percy saw the punch coming before it connected. Paul swung wide and Percy ducked down (not that he had to duck far, Paul was approximately three feet taller than he was). The older boy kept his momentum going and ended up spinning around entirely, losing his balance and immediately collapsing back on the floor. Percy looked on dispassionately, noting that Paul had definitely hit his head in the fall that time. [color=ed1c24]"I wouldn't recommend trying that again - you need all the braincells you can keep,"[/color] Percy advised, before snatching up Paul's spear. He hesitated for a moment. What was he allowed to do with this that wouldn't break contest rules? He couldn't exactly [i]stab[/i] Paul (not that he particularly wanted to). If he wanted to stab anyone, it would be the siren. It had been brief, but enough to irritate and chaff at him. He didn't like it. He didn't like not being in control. And that then informed him as to what to do next. He kicked with all his might (which was not much, thankfully for Paul) and hit the back of Paul's head. The not-so-gentle giant was unconscious moments later. Percy couldn't help but smirk, feeling a rush of endorphins. [i]He'd got one[/i]. Arsène had rushed on over to Xènia, stars in his eyes. "Xènia, baby... I love you so so much... Let's get married," he urged. "Would you do that? Would you marry me?" He collapsed on one knee, hugging Xènia's - well Dorian's - knees. "Please?" he sobbed. Salah looked like they might've had something to say about that, had they not been cursing in pain from the fact that Zelda had thrown a [i]knife[/i] into their shoulder. They weren't too sure where exactly Zelda was, as she had been sneaking around, but the knives had come from more or less one location. But Salah realized they didn't need to beat Zelda. The hostage was completely unguarded. They made a run for it. Emily made a quick decision, knowing that Danni had a reputation for being flammable. They put a finger to the side of their head and they concentrated, tapping into Danni's mind, and messing with his perception of time. To everyone else, Danni would more or less be moving in slow motion. Percy caught what Salah was going for just in time. His teleportation was doing better today than it ever had before - perhaps the pressure was helping, somehow. He reappeared in seconds right in front of the hostage, spear in hand, as he stared at Salah. [color=ed1c24]"Going somewhere?"[/color] [hider=Ongoing Effects]Xènia Papadopoulos - she is a siren, her voice will drive you to madness, seducing you with what you want most [list][*]Sabine Bassard - Not impacted [*]Zelda Flynn - Not impacted [*]Dorian Gray - Not impacted [*]Danni Kingston - Not impacted [*]Percy Novikov - Not impacted [*]Arsène Lane - Feeling adoration and longing, completely obsessed and lost in the sauce [*]Emily Colter - Not impacted [*]Paul Feigenbaum - Feeling adoration and longing, but not blinded [*]Salah Qadir - Feeling adoration and longing, but not blinded [/list][/hider]