[center] [h3][color=d7d7d7][b]Roland[/b][/color][/h3] And [color=0072bc]Robot[/color] [color=ec008c]Girls[/color] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1120967522892648530/BlackSilenceIcon.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxFo3GL.png[/img] Level 3 Roland - (0/40) Level up! Learned EGO Pages. Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (53/120) Level 6 Susie - (12/60) - (Holding 3 level up) [b]Location:[/b] Sector 9 [b]Word Count:[/b] 1006 [/center] Well, that fight happened. Blazermate thought it was unnecessary, since they were all in it to make the city better and beat this ever crisis right? Roland held no hard feelings, as that was just how things went, and Susie was more annoyed than anything. At least these hermits gave Roland the ammo he needed for his new crossbow and more ammo for his gun. Susie meanwhile looked around the base for anything worthwhile. Seeing as they traded in intel, perhaps she'd hear something juicy. Although to be fair, they already had a goal in mind. And Blazermate healed up the hurt Hermits, seeing as they were allies now. Looking about the ruins outside the hermit base, there were a few locations of interest their sniper angel looked out for. One caught the interest of Susie and Roland, a large robot called a Tyrant. It was said to be guarding some supplies, and no one was sure what those were. But they would be valuable, and the robot itself was greatly damaged already. Having learned that he could make weapons from creatures, Roland was more willing to fight the damaged Tyrant, but only with support. He had that support though, as Susie was interested in what it was guarding and Blazermate wasn't hard for Susie to convince, as the medabot even though she was complaining earlier about having to fight the hermits was fine helping her friends. And it was a good thing that Blazermate came, as her projectile shield would make the Tyrant's ranged weapons fairly useless for a short time. And with Blazermate being able to pre buff both Roland and Susie, and charge her own abilities in the meanwhile at her own request. [color=0072bc]"Usually we get jumped, its rare we get time for me to get all fully charged like this."[/color] Blazermate said. Having seen her abilities firsthand, there weren't any complaints from Susie or Roland. Their assault wasn't purely stealthy however. While they could get ready, once they started to advance on the Tyrant, it went into defensive mode. As Blazermate and Susie flew to advance while Roland had to run along the ground, the Tyrant opened up with its attacks much like they thought it would. With her shield charged, Blazermate simply deployed her projectile shield to nullify the anti air missiles headed the team's way. Even the Plasma cannon got evaporated by the projectile shield, giving the team an easy time getting in melee range. And oh boy once that distance was closed, everyone went to business. Sure Blazermate's projectile shield didn't last much beyond the initial rush up, but thats all the group needed. In melee range, its frontal cannon was completely useless as while it could turn, the rest of the team was too fast for it to get a shot off. And as it only had limited missiles, soon realizing that the blue shield like object that the one robot had used seemed to blink them out of existence, waiting for the shield to go down to use the rest. Susie flew about on her transporter, keeping to its side and shooting it with her blaster, with Roland and Blazermate on the other side hitting it with Kritz. Seeing something glowing was probably a bad thing, especially since it was cutting through its armor, or so thought the Tyrant. Well if its ranged weapons weren't going to work, it'd use its jaws and tail. Shifting its body, it struck Roland with its tail in an attempt to get him off of it. Roland's counter went off, but the tail was just a bit too strong for his current weapon and knocked him back. Seeing Roland take that hit, but being mostly fine because of his overheal, Blazermate took the opportunity as the Tyrant was recovering from its attack to smack it a couple times to get some uber, before going back to heal Roland. Susie meanwhile plunked away at the robot with her blaster, unable to get any elements due to their team composition. Seeing an opportunity as Roland recovered, the Tyrant tried stomping on him, but Roland wasn't new to combat and rolled out of the way before retaliating with his own gun. Unlike when he was krit boosted, the damage was much lower, but there were spots to hit to at least do some kind of damage. This whole exchange gave Roland Timber, a mechanical voice saying. "I crammed all I could find into this empty canister… yet it is… still cold…" as Roland gained a surge of strength as the Tyrant was stronger than he was. It wasn't enough yet to allow Roland to overpower the giant mech, but at least his attacks would be doing more damage. Blazermate, now being the focus of the Tyrant, got into a defensive stance with her shield up as Roland got back in to deal with the Tyrant. Seeing Blazermate as a flying target that healed, the Tyrant started to shoot missiles at her while trying to swipe at Susie with its tail. Susie's transporter let her dodge the tail swipes without much issue. Meanwhile Blazermate had to defend from an AA missile using her arm shield before Roland got back and tried to deflect a second missile going for her with his hammers. Of course the missile overpowered him, but Roland was starting to get a bit more reckless as Blazermate gave him more heals. After clashing with another kick using his large sword and only deflecting the attack, another message floated through the air as Roland got Courage, a beast like voice saying. "Friend. Oh, friends~! Let’s not be scared!" Although since there were only two allies with him, Roland only felt the normal power of his heightened emotions instead of the abnormality. Still, he wanted to get this fight all done and over with and with a couple slashes with his twin swords on a joint that exposed itself as it made another swipe at Susie, the Tyrant stumbled for a bit. Susie saw this and took advantage, hopping into her business suit and tackling it to the ground. The trio took this opportunity to get some damage in before the Tyrant, seeing things weren't going to be easy, decided it'd spend all its missiles to get back up, making the trio not only disengage, but hitting Susie, Roland, and Blazermate's arm shield with said rockets as it got back up. Noticing Susie in her giant mech, it used its superior size to bowl her over in a charge as she was recovering form the missile strike, causing her mech ot fall over for a bit. Seeing its opportunity, it tried to shoot her with its plasma cannon and finish off one of them, but since Blazermate had been in the recent dogpile, she had gained another dose of Uber and used it to protect Susie from the devastating weapon, not only confusing the Tyrant as it thought it had gotten one them, but giving Roland an opening to strike at an exposed weak point. Which his distraction and the two invincible robot girls attacking all at once, with Blazermate being able to swap her uber to Roland if he was in danger o being attacked, the Tyrant eventually fell.