[center][color=gold][h1]Charlotte[/h1][/color][/center] [quote]"Wh-whoa-huh!? You're telling me you guys could afford enchanted equipment? Wow... That's amazing, you all gotta come from wealthy families, huh?"[/quote] Wasn't that the sort of assumption that got people in trouble? The kind of rumor that, if it got going, would get them targeted by unsavory types more likely than not? In other words, if that was the first impression they somehow gave off it wasn't the best one. Yet before she could say anything herself, Sayu and Aria seemed to pick up on things faster than not. Or, well, at least one of them tried to give some kind of excuse first for it all. [quote]"Actually, we found these clothes in a dungeon. We're not rich at all. Not in the slightest. In fact, we're pretty penniless right now, right guys?" She turned to the others to support her new lie. "That's right," she added, nodding in agreement. "We're not rich at all. Just a stroke of luck finding these clothes, I guess."[/quote] [color=gold]"We didn't exactly have any other options, and now we can only use magic or such if we're wearing these things."[/color] What, was she supposed to not play into the obvious attempt at a ruse? No, far from it in her mind. She was happy to toss her lot in with that if it meant keeping them a little safer whenever they made it to civilization. Maybe. Either way there was nothing but trouble to deal with in regards to all of this, and it didn't take her gut instinct to be able to see that as clear as day. Not that it was any bit 'normal' to have meddling otherwordly deities kidnap you and stick you in a stupid costume out of the blue... ...she was still trying to process that one. Likely would have to for a while yet as well. Executing a squirming wounded ratman wasn't exactly normal either for that matter. [quote]"Umm... Did... Did you not intend to harvest its mana gem? It... It already looked dead to me."[/quote] [color=gold]"Wasn't dead yet."[/color] A short but prompt response from the bunny-suited girl was all she bothered to give in this situation. It wasn't pretty by any means, but at least her spell had made use of an element this time that didn't cause extra unessecary suffering. Simple, to the point, and quick. Better than burning to death struggling against the fire and all. Besides, they needed to get out of this place, and it sounded as if this girl was now left short one quarry to be able to get her own payday as Laynea continued talking. Such bloody work for someone around her age? Back home it'd be considered barbaric in some places of the world. In others it'd be as simple as butchering some home-grown chickens for food and they might not bat an eye. Whatever the case, if there was something useful about these ratmen, based on what the girl had said, then maybe they could- [quote]"Mana gems…" She placed her hand on her chin. "Hey, guys, how about we give the gems on those ratmen we just killed to her? In exchange for her taking us to the city? If we hadn't destroyed them with our attacks anyway.." [/quote] [color=gold]"Sounds good to me, if there's any left."[/color] -exchange anything left of value from these things for this girl's help. Sayu was beating her to the punch on this one! It made her feel slightly more secure about the other girl having a 'head on her shoulders' as it were, at least compared to the others around them. Then again, no one else had been able to hear something or someone approaching before either. Hmm. Couldn't blame them for maybe being hesitant on that note, especially given the situation they were all in. Not that it still wasn't in hindsight prudent to take cover when she and Sayu ad done so regardless, since they'd gotten the chance to notice and do so. [quote]“I’m not going to apologize for us defending ourselves. Considering that and the help you’ve given nonetheless, I think it would be fairer if we split the proceeds evenly between us and her,” she offered instead.[/quote] [color=gold]"Or we could take that route."[/color] They were broke as well, after all, save for some hand-me-downs from a bored and easily-amused deity with far too much time on their hands. Whatever the case, Charlotte just wanted to get out of the wilderness as soon as possible first and foremost. Then they could think some more about things.