[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][b][Color=00ffff]Location:[/color][/b] Training room B [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]Armored ground combat [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]Shieldmaiden armor[/center][hr]She growled quietly as Zari attacked a different target. [Color=00ffff][i]There she goes again, doing her own thing.[/i][/color] If Victoria was sad and discombobulated before, Zari was managing to cause those feelings to burn to cinders in righteous anger. She was partly trained by a military man, and had certain expectations on how people behaved on a battlefield, and this attitude has been suffered for far too long. Yelling at her now would only demoralize the rest of them, but if they didn't flunk out in this round, Victoria was shutting them all in the locker room and having a few select words with the lot of them, and maybe the coach too. She was okay with getting feedback when it could be easily acted on, but this was the last time she was getting questioned in the middle of the stars damned fight. [Color=00ffff][i]Whether they fall in line or decide to give someone else this thankless fucking job. One way or another. No. More.[/i][/color] Refocusing on the battlefield, Victoria quickly analyzed the situation at hand. If Zari could be trusted to at least do what she said to be the best thing to do, she should be attacking the fliers and that meant Jyoti next. She heard Diana call out that she was okay and saw her lob the arrows overhead, meaning she probably was indeed good to go at least for a while, hopefully not being only sustained by adrenalin. Ed did Ed things - Vicky didn't know what he planted on the cage, but she imagined it had to be something along the lines of scorched earth tactics - fine by her, commendable even. That left the ground targets. Swinging her arm from upwards to the hole in the wall with two targets, she watched in satisfaction as they were dazzled and protected their eyes. Raising her other arm, the MFG on it and her chest fired off concussive shots, but to her bewilderment, the two managed to dodge her attacks somehow. [Color=00ffff][i]What has happened to my accuracy as of late?! Ugh! I [b]REALLY[/b] need to hit the range after this one![/i][/color] Needing to act before they got the dazzled duo regained their wits, she retasked the others on it: [Color=00ffff]"Diana, can you hit that lit up chokepoint? Leah, follow up and either take care of the other or plug those holes! Then everyone to the ground!"[/color] Hopefully that would be enough to halt their progress, preferably the three would end up out cold. She added the last command as she watched the gathering storm clouds. Not willing to hedge her bets on the Asgardian's ability to remember what she said she'd do a minute ago, she raised one arm as a lightning rod and engaged her remaining MFGs in an attempt to attract the lightning. From what she quickly googled in her head, [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning#:~:text=An%20average%20bolt%20of%20negative,120%20kA%20and%20350%20C.]95%[/url] of the natural lightning strikes were negative. Those odds would have to do. Charging the MFGs on her back with a positive charge, she engaged her skin's absorbtion function. In theory, such method was designed into her as an emergency recharge. Victoria hoped the theory was built on good grounds. Most of natural lightning should be directed to her, and on the 5% chance of it having a matching positive charge, hopefully it would be forced to hit outside of her 'sphere of influence' due to matching charges repelling each other. She was certain with their positioning Ed and Diana were covered, although Leah might be pushing it. Zari wasn't grounded in the air, so she should be fine as long as she did not fly into the clouds, although Victoria's vicious side wasn't exactly bothered. [hider=Personal notes] [code] - What even is the point? I can't do anything right. - The above? Forget it! I am chewing them the hell out and then giving them a choice. Follow me, or decide whom else to follow. But I am done with this anarchy! - Props to Ed though. Armored up, stuck to cover, you know, LEARNED from what I was trying to impart to them. In the absence of direction, found something to do within his skillset that actually helped with the objective. I support THAT kind of initiative. - Also commend Leah for the armor and the wall. It turned an open field slugfest into defending the castle scenario, that gave us a leg up. - Best to start that meeting with the positives before tearing them a new one =) - Spend a few more nights on the range and in the gym rather than the workshop, Vix! [/code] [/hider] [hider=M-F generator allocation] [color=00ffff]Left rear, right rear: [/color][b]HELD ACTION - Spherical 2x Boosted[color=00ffff]*[/color] Electromagnetic field (no damage, positive charge, range 3.5 meters), Defending Diana, Ed and Leah(?) from lightning strikes, Passive, Energy absorbtion[color=00ffff]**[/color] function[/b] [Color=00ffff]*2x Boosted[/color] - Overcharged field (stacking the effect of multiple M-F Generators) Requires multiple generators: 2 - range 3.5 meters, 3 - Range 4.5 meters, 4 - Range 5 meters. Additional generators can be used to multiply power. Generators used to amplify power suffer a 1 turn cooldown. [color=00ffff]**Energy absorption[/color] - ASTRA is powered through its shell, which can transfer various energy sources (Thermal, electrical, light) into its powerplant - the unit is mostly powered by solar energy. The capability is limited though - for example it can still be damaged by fire given enough exposure or high enough temperature. The shell is too thin to neutralize or make use of impacting kinetic energy. [color=00ffff]Chest: [/color]Fired off this round - Rada dodged [color=00ffff]Left hand: [/color][b]Searchlight, visible white light, dazzling Rada and Sveva[/b] [color=00ffff]Right hand: [/color]Fired off this round - Sveva dodged [/hider]