[center][h2][color=ff99cc]The Xtraordinary Lady X[/color] in:[/h2] [h3]Welcome Home[/h3][/center] [i]Slash and splurt[/i]. The two sounds heard frequently as Lady X ran through the Port of Seattle Terminal 115. She had been investigating a group of smugglers who were smuggling more than just rare and exotic items. They were trafficking people, and not for the sake of giving them a better future. Ever since the team disbanded she started getting back to her mercenary and solo anti-hero roots. She joined the stupid club, because of [i]him[/i] and he couldn't even stay awake long enough for her joining to even matter. She was so caught up in the moment and her thoughts that she didn't realize she started venting out loud while hacking away at scum. [color=ff99cc]"YOU STUPID"[/color]-SLASH-, [color=ff99cc]"WORTHLESS"[/color] BANG BANG, CHING, [color=ff99cc]"BIG-BRAINED ASSHOLE!"[/color] "MY LEG!" Lady X cut the rudely interrupting screamer across the torso in an X formation before yelling back at him. [color=ff99cc]"SOME PEOPLE HERE HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO THINK AND SAVE PEOPLE? Just rude."[/color] Lady X continued her venting onslaught somehow screaming even louder than before. [color=ff99cc]"WHAT KIND OF SUPER GENIUS GOES INTO A COMA AND WON'T WAKE UP FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS!?"[/color] She found herself surrounded by the remainder of the goons. Rain poured all around them adding to the intensity of the mood. She stabbed her two blades into the ground and took off her mask revealing that she too was crying, but the line where the tears ended and the rain began started to blur, just as her vision. But she didn't need to see to finish this. She reached for her blades, a gun firing off as she did. They may be a bunch of lowlife human trafficking scum, but she did like that at least one of them was bold enough to do something instead of just waiting for their death. She was going to enjoy this even more. She blocked the shot with the brace around her forearm. Lady X fully re-equipped her blades moving fast enough to avoid anymore oncoming gunfire. She charged at the one that shot her and jumped into the air ready to end this little rain dance. [color=ff99cc]"PLEASE JUST WAKE UP!"[/color] [hr] Lady X opened the shipping container that was originally slated to be on the next ship out of the Port revealing an assortment of women and children. She forced herself to hide her feelings of disgust at the things people did for money. Instead she gave them a look of concern and empathy. She didn't care if they recognized her after this. Her life hadn't been normal for years now and they needed to see a friendly face, not a skull. [color=ff99cc]"Welcome home. Your cruise has been canceled. Let's get you all out of here."[/color] [hr] Kali was mentally exhausted once she pulled up to the Tower. She normally wouldn't have gone straight here, but after being an emotional support human as she helped them all get home, she just needed to lay in a really good bed after eating Eilidh's cooking. When she arrived she noticed something new and different in the parking lot. It was another motorcycle. One she definitely didn't recognize. Who were they and why were they there? Did they know a group of "heroes" lived here? She was pretty sure Red didn't have any friends. Eilidh may have some from school, but she didn't mention any with a motorcycle. Kali was starting to get worried. Without a second thought she rushed into the tower. Once inside she paused to sniff, allowing the different smells of the tower to flow into her nose. She didn't like using her senses, but when her tea--friends were in trouble, nothing else mattered. She locked onto a collective group of smells in the kitchen. One kind of smelled like a big dog. Kali made her way there. She couldn't sense any fighting so maybe everything was okay. She pulled out her Nth metal knife and crept alongside the wall until she reached the kitchen. She peeked inside to get a better scope of the situation. She saw Red and Eilidh just standing there, talking to a rather tall stranger. Once she realized nothing was actually wrong she fully stepped inside, still with knife in hand. [color=ff99cc]"Who's this?"[/color] [hr] [sub][B]Interaction(s)[/B]:[@spicykvnt][@Hound55][@Lord Wraith][/sub]