[center][h1]R-18[/h1][/center] Tallow made some notes of who she was with. She couldn't really prescribe any random personality traits to Redknights. She didn't recognize the accent. Even though they all spoke the same tongue, generations spent on a planet or ship made small changes to how people spoke. Kind of like how people from Bifrost said tomato while everyone else said tomato. That meant she was probably from off world. From where? Who knew. She was just loud and excitable, so it would seem. Rabbit was the sort that she knew. Tallow could tell she was native Bifrost by the accent. Probably ex-militia given that she didn't have the all business attitude that the military types had. Definitely wasn't a criminal type either; most of them would have said something less... supportive and giggly. Not the ex-corp type either. They were like the military type except slimy. Tallow had their fourth member pegged the second he opened his mouth. Well, she made up her mind about the type of person Snow was immediately. Anyone who introduced themselves saying "well ladies, if you'll have me" was the same type of person who tried to get into pants at a bar. In fact, she probably saw him at a bar before. Depending how he looked, Tallow might have been the one trying to get into his pants. She was too shit-faced at the time to remember if they met before, though. Loud, Giggles, and Man o' Whore. That's what she called them in her head. Then came the signal. Tallow gave one last word of encouragement to the newbie. [b]"Hey frosh, don't piss yourself on the way down."[/b] As always, her short-range comms were open for everyone to hear. Tallow only restricted her listeners if she had to say something confidential. [b]"R-18 launching."[/b] The catapult launched HIGH IMPACT towards the surface. Unlike her compatriots, her AUG's landing wasn't exactly stealthy. She had the shock absorbers to land, but that didn't mean she'd land softly. HIGH IMPACT's touched down. The dirt erupted in plumes of brown. Rocks flew and tapped against her armour. The ground cratered. It was a miracle what those little legs could take. She landed as the vanguard. Not much to say about where she landed. Trees, dirt, roads, and the like. She was far enough away to initially register on sensors as noise, thankfully. [b]"Let's see how much they paid to protect this shithole."[/b]