Netherlu returned the hug and gave a final wave to his father and went for the portal. "I don't know exactly where we're going," Michael said as he followed Netherlu towards the portal, "but it will be a human city. I suppose this will be your first time seeing one of those." [i]"They can be loud,"[/li] Lytse further explained, [i]"and the bigger a city is the less fresh air you'll smell, but cities have good things as well. Lots of food for instance."[/i] Netherlu stepped through the portal and put his hands on his hips as he looked around, he was now the guide for these humans, taking them to see the injured human he had found and brought away to the care-taking facility. "Where to?" Andy asked when he joined them. "I flew in from that direction," Netherlu said, pointing to trees ahead of them. The only paths leading away were on their left and right. "Which one of these paths leads there?" Andy pulled a map from his backpack and examined it with Netherlu to determine where he had dropped off the human and where he had found him. It turned out Netherlu knew exactly how long he had flown and how he had flown in relation to the sun, but had very little knowledge about a map or a compass and struggled to translate his bird-eye view to the map. "Too bad none of you can fly," Netherlu said after determining the right path was probably the one leading in the direction he came from. "It would be so much easier." "We could send our flying Pokémon with you," Michael offered. "You could, but I'll travel on foot. People get very excited - understandable of course - when they see me, so I try not to fly around too often. Keep it rare and special for them." Andy turned to Netherlu. "do you really bring eternal happiness to people who see you, or do you only reveal yourself to pure-hearted trainers?" Netherlu blinked. "No? I mean, who wouldn't be happy when they see me, but eternal happiness? Is that what you humans say about me?" "Oh, and more things too. For instance, a rainbow forms behind you when you fly," - Netherlu confirmed that, but added it depended on how the light would reflect from his feathers - "That you live on the foot of a rainbow," - Netherlu laughed and said that was physically impossible but he liked the idea - "and indeed the lore mentions eternal happiness for those who see you. So I expect some eternal happiness from you now." Netherlu took Andy by the shoulder. "You saw me, cherish that memory and you will always be happy when you think of it. Eternal happiness granted." Andy chuckled and turned to Frosiien. "Do you want to know what humans say about you?"