[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room A [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] Pyrokinesis[/center] The cemetery dissolved away and revealed the training room behind it. It was trippy as hell, Danni shaking his head as he tried to rearrange his head properly. He felt a little woozy as his memory sharpened again. They were in the middle of the Contest of Champion and his entire team had already jumped into action. What the hell was he doing?! Getting caught up in some sort of mind fuckery! No wonder Pops hates it. Still, Danni had to get a move on it. Poisson-Pas may not have taught them much, but he was trying to teach them how to survive an apocalypse and rule number… whatever was control your environment! And in this case it meant fire. Lots and lots of fire! But with a no maiming rule in place-Danni was pretty certain setting people on fire would be considered maiming, right?-he was settling for a little crowd control. Like, no one wanted to be caught on fire so he'd just put a wall of fire up and his kick ass team mates could do the fighting while he concentrated on not burning anyone alive. Yeah, team work! Wait if everyone jumped into action, and he got ganked in the brain that meant… He panicked with that thought, ignoring the enemy for the moment and bolted for the hostage. Since Danni couldn't set up, they didn't have anything stopping the enemy from just sauntering over and grabbing the poor baby! He was just a kid who wanted to hang back with the fun team, it'd be so unfair for him! Luckily, he got there as one of the so called "Heroes" did as well and Danni stuck his tongue out at them as he skidded to a stop. [color=E948FC]"Aight, bitches! Let's light t'is shit up."[/color] Danni cackled, entirely unaware he was slowed down and likely slurring. None of his team was near him so with a sweep of his arms, a burst of flames wove themselves into a roaring circle. Danni left out a whoop and did a little jig, proud of himself for getting the ring up without setting the hostage on fire! [color=ed1c24]"What the hell is wrong with you?!"[/color] Danni paused in his happy dance, one leg raised and arms thrown out. Was that Spicy? Was he yelling at him? Was he yelling at the enemy? It… it was very hard to see past the fire and Danni realized that was… going to be a problem if the team needed his back up. Well, that was for another day l. For now, Danni would just cheer Spicy on as he screamed at whatever silly hero. [color=E948FC]"Yeah Spicy! Tell t'ose awful 'eroes what's what! Kick t'eir butts, you can do it, yes you can! If Spicy can't do it, no one but t'e ot'er people outside t'e rin' of fire can!"[/color] Danni cheered as loudly as he could, pleased that he was able to at least provide emotional support.