[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/MHTqPcBC/image.png[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=b71d5d]Location:[/color][/b] Labyrinth [b][color=b71d5d]Skill:[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] Andy was getting a bit of a stitch in her side. She saw Madalyne give a jewel to Mary and her lip trembled. She still clutched the sword, like it was a life preserver. Mads had erected a shield of sorts, and Mary found a staircase for them to climb. It was going to be hard going, but they had to. Had to keep going. She started running up the stairs, trying to be careful. Her breathing was labored and the stitch in her side got worse. But they had to escape. Had to get the sword out of there. Her vision dimmed and all she could see was the next step she took. Going as fast as she could. Up and away from the monsters. [center][hr][hr] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/K8QvVB52/image.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] Taxi [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] [hr][/center] [b][/b] Niah nodded at Persephone's answer about why she was joining them. That made sense. And it also was a terrifying prospect. They were in serious trouble if a goddess themself showed up and was ready to fight. She chewed on her lip. [color=0080ff]"It's been five years. She was older than me. I don't know if we have the same mother. I think if she is in your husband's domain she is in Elysium."[/color] Niah hoped she was. If that's what the vision was she really hoped so. [color=0080ff]"I saw her with some friends."[/color] Niah frowned. She had never had a vision before, but it was strange to have it and then immediately meet basically the perfect person to ask about it. [color=0080ff]"They were having some sort of feast in a giant hall."[/color]