[CENTER][h1][color=EB054D][b]RICO[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr]”Ooooh this ain’t lookin’ good,” Wicc moaned. [COLOR=EB054D]“I’m not worried, so just keep back!”[/color] Rushing in first, Rico gave a high kick, smashing one guy in the jaw before he’d even moved. Rico paused, wondering, [COLOR=EB054D]“Hey Wicc, buddy, how do you feel about all this violence?”[/color] “Uh, well, while violence is ultimately unsustainable, body (individual) and bodies (societal) having their limits, the cycle of violence and hatred eternal, when it comes to self defense-” Rico stopped from punching, the Good Vibes Pirates now having to step over the fallen bodies of their comrades. [COLOR=EB054D]“Less words, magic man!”[/color] “Get their asses!” Rico grinned. Once again he kicked upward, but this time a firework shot up, dragging eyes along with it. Grabbing the nearest man by the collar, he twisted about, slamming him into the next group while they were distracted. Way between him and Desprit clear, he raised his arm, the wrist morphing into a round opening. Mortar firing off, round fireworks sizzled out, crackling through the air and bursting in balls of sparks and smoke. [COLOR=EB054D]“[b]Tranquil Dilong![/b]”[/color] The pirates ducked for cover, Desprit rolling to the ground to quash a few small flames. “The heck’s tranquil about that!?” Wicc cried, the man covering his ears as he backed off. Despirt started to clamor to his feet, but Rico was upon him, grabbing him by the collar and headbutting him, the man’s nose running red. [COLOR=EB054D]“We done here?”[/color] he shouted to the stunned captain. “My nnnosh wat dit you do to my nosssh!” he whined. Rico released him, letting him fall. The pirates pulled their attention away from Rico. Adjusting his coat, he grabbed his sign. [COLOR=EB054D]“Let’s get, Wicc.”[/color] As the two left, Rico could hear the remaining crew. “Hey captain, stop crying, it’s bringing the vibe down!” “Good vibes, good vibes!” his crew shouted as they kicked at their fallen captain. “The beating will continue until your morale improves!” “No noooOOOO AHHHHHHHHHH!” Rico and Wicc didn’t care for the rest, moving out of the way before any authorities came knocking. One of the men went to follow, but Wicc barked at him until he retreated. [COLOR=EB054D]“Were you really cool with those guys and their vibes? They gave me the creeps, honestly,”[/color] Rico said. Wicc scratched at his cheek. “Honestly, I dig good vibes, and I dig with putting a smile on when it’s bad. But on a closer look...they were all bad vibes, right?” [COLOR=EB054D]“Yeah, yeah, exactly!”[/color] “Honestly, they’re the kinda folk I thought all pirates were. But kid, I like you, you’re a good one.” Rico turned to see Wicc’s grin. “Your heart is free, and you don’t want to trample on the hearts of others. I can respect that.” Taking Rico’s cardboard sign, he offered, “This isn’t your style, is it? We’ll have to figure out something else.” Rico said, [COLOR=EB054D]“I can try again, it’ll be fine!”[/color] Wicc stopped for a moment, looking to the sky, remarkably clear of smoke. “I like to think there’s a place in this world for everyone. Sunstrider’s not yours. Honestly, some days I think it isn’t even mine. But you’re on the path to making it your own.” Wicc planted his finger on Rico’s chest. “You just gotta keep that fire going.” Rico looked down at the hand Wicc offered, face placid. When Wicc retracted it, he moved his hand to the spot, perhaps holding onto something even still. “You’re a loud kid. Good thing too, I was trying to find you. Rico, isn’t it?” The two looked up to see a man in a vest with an orange pinstripe shirt, a long braid of dark hair sticking out the side of his head. Eyes darting to the cardboard sign from behind his narrow sunglasses, he remarked, “I’m looking for a bodyguard. My boss can explain the deetz. It’ll pay. You interested?” Rico’s jaw dropped. He turned to Wicc, who’s jaw was similarly open. Rico pointed. [COLOR=EB054D]“Magic man!”[/color] “Well I’ll fuckin’ be!” Clapping Rico on the shoulder, he said, “If you get smacked with a contract, hit me up. You know my haunts. I’ll punch any charlatan right in the legalities.” [COLOR=EB054D]“Really?”[/color] Wicc started off. “Of course, we’re friends aren’t we?” Realizing something, the man with the braid gaped. “Wait, Wicc Fiforo?” He was already gone, still in sight but well in his own mind. [COLOR=EB054D]“Huh? You know him?”[/color] “I’m surprised I recognized him. For a long time he was the nastiest business tycoon on Midsummer Island. Real estate speculation, tax loopholes, venture capital loan scams: he changed the game, and not in a good way. Then about a decade ago he got betrayed by his protegee. Lost it all. Wife and kids went off island, debt collectors were chasing after him to wring him for all he was worth. I’ve seen less wealthy men off themselves even when they still had something left to their name. Honestly I kinda thought he’d have done the same. How do you know him?” Rico looked off, watching as Wicc hopped up, clacking his bare heels together. [COLOR=EB054D]“He’s the coolest guy I’ve ever met.”[/color] Their shoulders light and hearts free, the two men parted ways.