[center][h2][b]Kareet of Arcaeda[/b][/h2][/center] [hr] The camp was being packed up as J’eon approached Kareet. Most of Nellara’s soldiers were going to join up with the reinforcements Kvarr had brought at their camp nearby, somewhat farther from the Jotunheim. They were going to be taking a single boat back to Arcaeda which could only hold so many people, though it was not as if they needed a large escort. The Ascendancy’s riverways were safe and frequently patrolled, as they were the lifeblood of trade that connected nearly every one of their major settlements. The General, meanwhile, intended to remain in the area, at least until they had negotiated a more comprehensive deal with the Warden. “I just want to invite you to give your account to the Sages. Despite everything else that has happened, that event has not left my mind. The creature was strange…like something that shouldn’t exist. It may not be [i]as[/i] important, but it is still worth making records of.” Kareet answered J’eon, giving a quick glance towards the Jotunheim. “Besides, if you really want to fulfill orders for the Humans, you will be able to access actual, proper tools in Arcaeda.”