Alright, let's get this show on the road again. [@Joshua Tamashii] I do somewhat regret trapping you in this Ace Attorney reference for so long. I don't entirely feel like I planned it enough. There was supposed to be some form of lethal contradiction in Smergle's testimony here, but I completely forgot what it was. But, I think I can fix that. If you don't understand what I'm hinting at here, do ask me, hah. [@hatakekuro] Now, headbutting the same tree over and over is not going to work, but under the assumption you went around headbutting different trees... There you go. Tell me if you'd like me to change anything or so. [@Pirouette] I haven't heard your confirmation if you want to continue or not yet, but here it is in case. If you do want to continue, do you want this to be a drawn-out battle? Do you want to do it faster? I can do it in basically any speed. But in my notes, this dude has six Pokémon. Maybe I should lower that to four for the sake of speed, hahaha. That, or we could collab it. That could also go faster. [@Gardevoiran] Yeah, no, you sweep her. You're got the type-advantage and all. So there you go, heh. And all of you, regardless of if you've replied or not yet or if you're planning to, thank you for playing my game. Now, if you wish, let's continue.