[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] On their return, Tyaethe had disappeared briefly before returning to her usual window spot. That, on its own, was perfectly normal. Expected, even; it was stranger to find her some place else, especially immediately after leaving for a few weeks. What made it a bit less usual was that she had seemingly chosen to not move at all since then, eyes looking over the relics arrayed in the entry hall. Or at least in their general direction, with the lack of correction there was basically no chance that she could see any of them. Continuing the departure from norms, she was actually dressed in something other than a light dress, with or without accompanying shawl or the like. For reasons known only to the vampire, she'd gone for the full robes of a Reonite priest... which, whilst something she was perfectly entitled to wear, was [i]not[/i] the sort of thing a paladin was expected to go about in for their day to day business. Still, the red and gold attire wasn't even the strangest thing: she'd brought out the stuffed rabbit. The only thing that really indicated she wasn't doing her best statue impression was the way her thumb was idly moving back and forth across the toy's head.