[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Br2vqG3m.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Amy Cooper[/h2][/center] There had been a bit of trepidation in the young girl's heart that morning when she had said goodbye to her mom. She had lived a pampered sort of life before, and while she wasn't incapable of looking out for herself at this age, becoming an independent Pokemon trainer was undeniably a huge amount of extra responsibility to take on. Thankfully, Pallet Town had been accommodating so far. Her parents had an acquaintance in the area that had been kind enough to help her get started. Their family had treated her to a nice breakfast before she set off for the lab. And the couple had a child of their own, who also hoped to become a Pokemon trainer one day - Matthew. Although the boy was only a few years her junior, he seemed to really look up to her, since she was already starting the adventure that he had always dreamed of. His bright, sparkling eyes made it all feel real to her. Today was the day. It was a bit of a disappointment that the legendary Professor Oak was not here today, but Amy tried not to let it show too much. She politely introduced herself to Ivy and the other beginners with a practiced curtsy. [color=7b87ed][b]"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Amy Cooper. Thank you for taking care of me!"[/b][/color] The last part was aimed at the professor rather than her contemporaries. The anticipation was building steadily as the introductions continued and as they were eventually led deeper into the laboratory. Just what Pokemon was she going to get? Amy had her favorites, but she wasn't hoping for any one in particular. But after grabbing her TOF kit, she inspected the remaining choices. Her heart stirred when she saw that Charmander was on the list. She had learned in her studies that it was a very capable species; and its final evolution, Charizard, was known to be a powerful and loyal partner when trained well. Thinking of what the future might hold with it by her side made her heart thrill. And it was quite an adorable creature in its current state. There were several other good options, but none of them shook her from her interest in this one. [color=7b87ed][b]"Charmander, I choose you!"[/b][/color] she announced, triumphantly claiming the ball for herself. She was quiet for a few minutes while the ceremony proceeded. She seemed to be sort of absentmindedly staring at the pokeball. Once everyone had finished up, she couldn't stop herself from peppering the professor with questions. [color=7b87ed][b]"Professor Ivy, Professor Ivy! I'd like to know, where did this Charmander come from? And does he need any special treatment? I want to make sure he's comfortable under my care."[/b][/color]