[quote=Old Idea]In the late twenty-first century, Earth's resources began to reach dangerous levels of depletion. Almost every nation's efforts were channelled into finding an alternative to sustain our overpopulated planet. While some looked to create artificial or replicated resources, most efforts were focused on the unknown beyond our solar system. Numerous citizens from all walks of life volunteered for Biblical ark-like projects and were jettisoned into the cold void of space following predetermined routes that should have led to new worlds. Most of the arks were never made contact again, but one triumphant day in 2101, Earth received a transmission. One of the Ark's had found a stable planet, a new Earth. Not only had they found one stable planet but several neighbouring solar systems that continued one if not more stable planets. The resource-rich galaxy was previously unheard of. The ark's navigation data proved that it had passed through a wormhole that had sent the vessel far further than its limited light speed engine ever could have propelled it. Maintenance and technical support ship finds itself drawn into preventing a war between two factions. Responds to a distress call finding a science vessel with no one on board left alive. Salvages what they can, taking the ship's black box. Investigation reveals that the ship was testing a new form of bioweapon. The crew finds themselves pursued by both factions who want the weapon back all while realizing that they have been exposed and only have a matter of time left before they begin to suffer the same fate. Cold War Alliance/Federation/Empire Rebels/Independents/Resistance Captain/Foreman Pilot Medic Guard/Merc (x2?) Engineer General Workers (x2/3?) Total Crew: 8 [/quote] [quote=Space Western Idea]Clear skies illuminated the rolling hills of the western plains as the wranglers broke across the horizon, driving the herd of horses towards the farm barely visible across the green. The growl of atmospheric engines filled the air as the distinct smell of the starship's exhaust filled the air, the odour covering the aroma of the long grass. A hull covered in chipped and peeling paint was visible from the ground as the ship descended toward the port beyond the farm. Space Western Aliens Synthetic Lifeforms Limited Light Speed Humans are outgunned in most space battles. Earth is mostly destroyed, existing as a slum world for those who weren't able to get off. Most of civilization is flooded, floating cities exist but as power depletes they fall from the sky. Some live among the flooded ruins of the former great cities. Mars is considered a successfully terraformed planet but was abandoned for literally greener pastures in other systems. An untamed planet, Mars has two cities, surrounded by rolling plains and small, frontier towns. Corruption bled into the terraforming efforts. Those released from stasis first used the opportunity to hijack the system and release others in batches to make them easier to control, and more subservient. Many worlds fell into caste or feudal systems. Entire systems run by oligarchies, self-imposed monarchies and even fascist regimes. Reptilian Race -Reproduces by placing eggs in those deemed strong. Hatchlings eat their way out, thus 'absorbing' the strength. -Growing old is considered a dishonour, the highest honour is being chosen to bear the young. This is also reserved for captured enemies they consider worthy. [/quote] Privateers: Collection of spacers and smugglers with a license to freely pirate for a portion of plunder from XYZ Government. Absolute scourge of the black and bane of the ABC. The Colony Wars: The Settled Systems: The Black: A general term meaning space itself, although it can be also used specifically to refer to unchartered space or an unknown void. Bird: A bird is a slang term for an agile ship or fighter. Boat: A boat is a slang term used for large vessels or freighters. Federation of Central Unified Systems [INDENT]-The oldest government in the Settled Systems. The Federation was formed at the heart of what is the now Settled Systems, and as a result, all other systems were built out from its first successful terraform, with the exception of the Highland Monarchy.[/INDENT] Coalition of Allied Planets [INDENT]-Planets whose independent governments have agreed to cooperate for shared goals and trade. The primary objective of these planets is to maintain independence and autonomy free of the Federation.[/INDENT] The Highland Monarchy of the Hymenoxys Cluster [Indent]-Located in the furthest reaches of the Settled Systems, the Highland Monarchy was founded when a Generational Ship was hijacked mid-travel. Upon arriving in the Hymenoxys Cluster, the hijackers were betrayed by their own, as a pair of siblings took control, killing the other hijackers and positing themseoves as heroes. Strategically waking the ship's inhabitants from stasis, the brothers were able to filter people in a caste-like system and ultimately elect themselves as kings over their new territory. Now three centuries later, the Monarchy still reigns over the Hymenoxys Cluthser and most of the Delta Quadrant.[/indent] Sovereign Planets: [INDENT]-True sovereigns belong to planets, vessels or stations that have no alliance with a greater form of government. Many of these Sovereign Planets are the result of either failed or abandoned terraforming attempts, often leaving behind smaller settlements which are either contained in an environmental shield or require constant use of an Environmental Suit while outside of a controlled environment. These worlds are hard to live on and produce a hardy people.[/INDENT] -Personal laser/Energy beam weapons are expensive, prone to over heating and otherwise rare weapons. -Ballistic Weapons are common but heavily discouraged during combat onboard ships due to numerous factors. -Melee weapons are the most common form of a personal side arm, ranging from telescopic swords and staves to basic fixed-blade knives or axes. -Technology is highly variable. Ship and personal survival suit technology was rapidly advanced due to its necessity, especially following the Colony Wars. Hierarchy of Sentient and Virtual Life Forms: [INDENT]-Synthetic Lifeform: A sentient, self-aware Artificial Intelligence that inhabits a physical and autonomous body. The most advanced versions of Synthetic Lifeforms are covered in a replication of the human epidermis making high-end models nearly indistinguishable from organic lifeforms. The legality around Synthetic Lifeforms various between System Governments with the Coalition recognizing both Synthetic Lifeforms and Artificial Intelligences as contributing members of society, compared to the Federation which limits the rights and privileges of these lifeforms to the point they are interchangeable with androids or robots. -Artificial Intelligence: An artificial intelligence or 'AI', is a sentient, self-aware program that only exists incorporeally within a mainframe or other computer. -Android: An android, or simply 'droid', is a humanoid-shaped mechanical construct programmed to respond, interact and carry out various tasks or purposes. They are programmed with limited problem-solving abilities. -Virtual Assistant: A virtual assistant, or VA, is a program often connected to a large, or series of databanks and capable of carrying out pre-determined routines and tasks to suit its specific function. Virtual Assistants are often used in environmental suits, ship systems and even weapons in order to aid and enhance both the functionality of its installation and the user. Generally, virtual assistants are voice-activated, but some are programmed with other interface methods such as physical inputs or neural connectivity. -Robot: An autonomous construct designed and programmed to carry out a specific purpose or task. -Most flora and fauna are a direct result of it being transplanted from Earth, however much of it has evolved and adapted to its new homes, creating distinctive, alien species. Rarer is the native species to those planets as most were primarily uninhabited prior to humanity's arrival. -Cowboys versus Industrialization versus 'Indians' kind of setting. The Federation versus the Coalition while the 'aliens' fight to regain territory and keep humanity from settling on more worlds. Independents left to pick up the pieces.[/INDENT] Trail Blazers - Elite pilots tasked with the creation and upkeep of FTL routes and lanes.