[quote]an expression plastered on his face that Link could only assume belonged to feelings of constipation.[/quote] [@Lord Wraith] This cracked me up. Good job, I love Link haha. [@Hillan] [hider][img]https://media.tenor.com/FO9dSDXw-h4AAAAC/thor-ragnarok-yes-thor.gif[/img][/hider] Congrats on 100th post, and welcome back Fearless GM! Question, or rather, a thought that I've had - is it plausible that Eilidh could "notice" Julian is awake - due to some psychic/connection/timey wimey stuff? Maybe she gets hit with a weird headache out of nowhere in the Tower scene and isn't sure why? Just a thought I had! Let me know what you think and I'll get a post going c: IT'S REALLY HAPPENING! [img]https://media.tenor.com/M2Ql1929OKUAAAAC/wonder-woman-dancing.gif[/img]