[center]S E C R E T I N V A S I O N [i]~An Absolute Comics Roleplay~[/i][/center] P R E M I S E: Aliens live among us. For the past ninety years, metahumans, mutants and the battles between superheroes and supervillains have dominated the lives of everyone on the planet Earth. Heroes such as the Superman from Krypton and the Manhunter from Mars have made life from other planets an accepted part of daily life. But unbeknownst to even the watchful eye of S.H.I.E.L.D., key figures on Earth have begun to disappear, only to be replaced by hostile alien imposters positioning for a Secret War between alien races. An arms race between the Skrulls and the White Martians has been brewing beneath the surface for several years now and threatens to come to a head. All across the globe, crime has risen exponentially and many of the world's superpowers are in international turmoil as a direct causality between the warring factions. Even unaware of the foes at home, Earth is now forced to face a threat on a third front as the Reach has begun carving an aggressive path toward Earth. More than ever, Earth needs her heroes. Who will answer the call? Secret Invasion/Secret War OU RP with loosely defined history. Organizations and dates, no character names. Plot inspired by Secret Invasion, YJ Invasion and JL Pilot. Hidden factions include the Skrulls and the Martians, possibly the Reach. People being replaced by aliens, all while the above factions fight to control Earth. Skrulls White Martians The Reach Kroloteans Rising crime, international turmoil and other struggles a direct causality of the 'Secret War' -WWI -The Defenders? -WWII -Justice Society founded in the wake of World War II -The SSR offers the JSA an ultimatum of join, and become government superheroes or forcible retire, resistance meant unmasking and/or jail time. What's different about this RP versus past One Universe Games? The biggest difference this time around is that players will have the option to indicate if they want their character to have been, or to be replaced by a member of the warring alien factions. If this offer is accepted, they will receive a private message from the GM, informing them that their offer has been accepted and any further required details can be determined at that time. This allows players to take ownership over parts of the main plot, and contribute to driving the antagonistic side of the RP. In some instances, it may even be a member of a character's rogue gallery that has been replaced rather than the primary POV themselves so that players are able to unravel the mystery of the Secret War and prevent the Invasion. ■ Fixed - Events determined by the GM that are essential to the RP. ◆ Malleable - Events that are proposed by the GM but can be modified prior to the RP starting pending Players and Characters. ▶ Player - Events determined by Player submitted sheets.