[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=32CD32]Diana Novikova[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.tenor.com/DqIIOcu3zjUAAAAC/mia-smoak-kat-mc-namara.gif[/img] [i]Location: Avenger's Academy, Training room B Skills: Archery & Quantum Teleportation[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Diana could hear the other team bashing at the walls of Leah's cage around them and their hostage, Ed managed to rig up a little present for them just in case the enemy team had gotten to close. A bit overkill in her opinion, but it would make the other team cautious about trying to break open their little makeshift cage. Then the walls suddenly failed Abby, had made herself a little hole, and so did Sveva and Rada. Victoria managed to disorient the two slightly with her suit's lights she looked towards her team lead and gave a slight nod. [color=32CD32]"Sure thing boss."[/color] Diana said and quickly teleported herself ontop of the wall in the space between the three of them. Leah managed to seal up the holes once more luckily as Diana took a crouched position on the wall giving the three of them a little wave. [color=32CD32]"Hey there you guys."[/color] Diana said as she quickly took out three arrows, She thought about using more of her explosive arrows, but that might end up hurting them to much at this range without much of a gap to get out of the way of the explosion. Instead she chose one of her non lethal arrows and fried off three ensnarement arrows. Two of them managed to hit their intended targets Rada wasn't lucky as the arrow burst into a little net of sorts and trapped them, the other one on Sveva however didn't go off. And she ended up missing them completely which was annoying to her. [color=32CD32]"Anyway was nice meeting you guys laters."[/color] Diana said as she quickly tried to climb back off of the wall just as the light rain started now. [hr][hr] [center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.tenor.com/utvGu5D6dOUAAAAC/hope-mikaelson.gif[/img] [I]Location: Avenger's Academy, Training Room C Skills: N/A Grimoire: Fireball[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Madalyne started to curse herself as she watched her team started to fall into chaos, Gideon, Andy, and April were now on Megan as she started to get the blind hatred for the girl now as well to. And was now starting to focus all of her rage and anger on the girl as well to, and started to form a fireball into her hands. She wanted to set the girl on fire and watch her burn as she tried to send it Megan's way only for it to completely backfire on her. Madalyne found herself on fire and she quickly started to panic and dropped down trying to pat herself off, and the fire continued to get worse for her and she started to roll and try to put the fire out. It took her a way longer than she would have liked to as Mads rolled herself around getting the fire under control now however her clothes were now burnt pretty badly.