[hider=Uskeche] Name: Uskeche [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Ppj6F1G6wvFeduHWQeZu1z8gaC4=/0x0:4096x1716/1200x800/filters:focal(1721x531:2375x1185)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/71068004/MSB3810_comp_mtm_v004.1017.0.jpg [/img] Appearance: Uskeche is a tall man standing at six foot and one inch, weighing around one hundred and sixty-six pounds. Uskeche has an athletic-looking body that is adored with many scars and tattoos. His tattoos mostly consist of ancient languages to protect him. A shaved head and like most of his body is partially hairless. The most noticeable thing about Uskeche is his skin which is bright white as if his skin was bleached white. Some other noticeable features are his large bulging eyes, his piercing blue eyes, his large ears, and his thin nose. Uskeche wears a black cloak with a hood that he uses to hide his face. As well as wearing leather sandals. Race: Human Sex: Male Age: 149 but looks like he is 49 years old. Magic Divination: Invocation Magic & Alchemy Abilities: Invocation- Uskeche is able to summon the spirits of the dead and communicate with them. He can also have certain spirits possess him for enhanced strength and defence, as well as learning whatever knowledge that person has. Alchemy- Uskeche can transmute or change the properties of other materials. He can also use this to transmute a simple thing like a walking cane into a weapon. Uskeche can also create potions with materials he has on his person or what he finds. He has slowed his aging down with certain potions. Ancient Knowledge: During the many years Uskeche has been alive he has acquired ancient and forbidden knowledge/spells. Swordplay: Uskeche is skilled in swordplay and how to defend himself with a blade. Equipment: Uskeche has a long wooden staff that he carries with him. He also carries an obsidian sword which he uses to defend himself when he feels the need to. He carries with him a bag of alchemy tools. And a bag filled with materials to make alchemy potions. Brief Background: Uskeche does not remember his true identity, the only thing he knows is that his name is Uskeche and that he needs to find a man named Eura. While wandering his new surroundings he found a group called the Reavers: and thought he would be able to find Eura through them. So he started doing various tasks and jobs for them. He has a knack for performing dangerous tasks without fear, although he feels frustrated that he is no closer to finding Eura than when he first started. While on his journey he has also searched for clues of his real identity. Anything else we should know about you: Uskeche’s personality is oddly very timid and he is very socially awkward when he is interacting with people. But he is very curious about the people around him, as well as the history of certain things. He will usually ask questions wanting to learn more about people when he feels like it is not bothering them. Uskeche is fearless when it comes to dangerous situations and will fight immense odds without hesitation. Usually acting to protect others from the injustice of the world, but also have small urges of sadism and blood lust. At times he taunts his foe and makes sure his opponent suffers greatly. Uskeche often feels a sense of sadness for both his lost memory and whoever he may have wronged in the past. Some of his quirks include talking in a low whispery voice. And on occasion, he recites prime numbers when he is nervous to try and calm himself down. His theme song is [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdF9YSS1GiI]The Nameless One’s theme from Planescape Torment.[/url] He also has a music box with the engraving Lea on it. [/hider]